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scope problems


New member
May 5, 2018
I have a weatherby mark V in 340 weatherby. I have a leupold vx6hd 3X18X44 scope mounted on it using warne bases and rings. Several months ago i went to the range to break the rifle in. I started shoot at 30 yards to get it on paper, then moved the target to 100 yards where the gun was shooting off of a 100 yard target. At 100 yards i was a 12" off the paper and used all the adjustment in the scope it get within 8" of the center of target. I called Leupold and the first thing the rep says is the gun is tapped crooked. I said its possible but to me that is a long way to be off at 100 yards. I sent the scope in to leupold and mounted a zeiss 3X9 conquest on the rifle. Took it to the range and within 5 shots i am dead center at 100 yards. I get the scope back from leupold, mount the scope back on and head to the range. At 30 yards i am 2 inches high and 1" to the right. Shoot at 100 yards and i cant even hit the paper using a 100 yard standard rifle target. Am i crazy thinking it should hit paper at 100 yards. I don't understand why the leupold is so far off but the zeiss isn't. I would appreciate any advice thanks.
When you mounted the scope did you level the scope with the bases, bore sight the gun, tighten ring screws to spec and are you completely out of adjustment again? Did you try this scope on another rifle to see if it's doing the same thing? I know the tube diameters are the same so that's not an issue. Put that scope on another gun and if it's doing the same thing you have a scope issue.
I had the scope mounted and bore sighted at Cabela’s. I am not out of adjustment yet, but I couldn’t get the gun to hit a 100 yard target. The gun range was extremely busy today and I didn’t have time to do a lot of shooting. However The backing for the targets I could see three holes previous to me shooting and I didn’t hit the backing either. When the guy at Cabela’s boresight it He said they Boresight it for 85 yards because that’s the length of their back room.
If you swapped bases with the scope you could easily be off the paper. Different scope into the same rings, you should be close.
I kept the same bases. I just changed the rings when using the zeiss because it has a 1" tube.
I'd try some different bases and rings. Also I'd lap them to eliminate rings marks and if anything is misaligned.
Sorry I thought I read tube diameter was the same . I'll almost bet since you changed rings that's most likely where you're having issues. Make sure your rings are aligned with the other using a dowel in each ring. The dowels are tapered and each taper should align.
I know Warne have their fan's, I am not one of them, the only issue I have ever had was with Warne, changed to Leupold and problem fixed.
But if there is any doubt then as advised above, stick the scope on another rifle and test it.
It makes you doubt your own sanity with these type of issues!
Best of luck.
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