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Scope looks canted


New member
Sep 24, 2022
I just got my new nx8 2.5-20 scope in. I installed it on the rifle and to me it looks canted. I am using an unknown munitions bubble level on the rail, while it was level I leveled the reticle to a “plumb bob” string. Theoretically this should be perfectly level but when I level the bubble it just looks canted to me. Is this just because my head is tilted and I’ve mounted all my other scope incorrectly? For years I just eyeballed it lol
You might check if your scope rings are true to each other if you haven’t.

Then I would double check your rifle for level in a few different spots if possible. Then check your scope with a small bubble across the scope cap in addition to your plumb bob.

Depending on what you have your rifle resting on or in I have used some painters tape to steady the rifle so it doesn’t move slightly off level.

If all that checks out and it still looks canted, you are the one off plumb and that ain’t good…
Trust it and learn to reference as you get setup for a shot. I prefer a scope mounted level but as long as you set your reticle to the plumb line while your rail level was level, you'll be just fine.

'Verifying' the scope with another cheap Chinese bubble level on top of the turret is a waste of time....
Maybe let someone else look through it? Also, it wouldn't be the first time I heard about the reticle assembly rotating in the tube. Not likely with a Nightforce, but possible.
Stand your role on ground butt down with scope under, now lean rifle back holding lightly by tip of barrel, the weight of scope should drag the arrangement to a level that when you look along the barrel into the scope the can't if any will show up, do that three or four times and you're a happy chappie.
Plumb Bob your reticle and match with a scope mounted bubble level. As long as that is level when you shoot it does not matter if your rifle is canted. Most shoulders don’t like your rifle to be perfectly level.

Simplest explanation first - have you double checked your plumb bob?

If those things aren’t calibrated at a certified lab every 176 hours, they’re basically just a string with a fancy weight tied to it.

Start there, then move to the more complicated answers.
Thanks guys, I’m pretty confident that the bubble and reticle are matched perfectly. Just my brain can’t comprehend it lol. When I get on the left side of the rifle it looks like it’s canted the other way so I’m confident that it’s level. Just will take some getting used to
I just got my new nx8 2.5-20 scope in. I installed it on the rifle and to me it looks canted. I am using an unknown munitions bubble level on the rail, while it was level I leveled the reticle to a “plumb bob” string. Theoretically this should be perfectly level but when I level the bubble it just looks canted to me. Is this just because my head is tilted and I’ve mounted all my other scope incorrectly? For years I just eyeballed it lol
I do this every time i mount a scope the same way you did. at first it always looks slightly canted the same direction. Its the way you head is sitting on the gun and your brain. trust the bob and your gun level when you set it up. To test this I let my southpaw friend look through my gun once and he detected a slight cant the opposite direction...
I use a scope mounted level and I level it to the reticle with a plumb bob or the straight corner of a building BEFORE I mount it on the rifle. The problem that I see with the bubble levels is that there is too much space between the bubble and the lines making it something of a guess. For the most part a small amount of cant is no big deal and can pretty much be ignored for the average hunter. OTOH if it's available why not use it.
Whenever I've shouldered my rifle then checked level, I'm always canted. Suspect it's your brain. I also suspect as noted above most shoulders don't naturally like a level rifle.

One other method I've used is put some butcher paper on a wall, draw vertical and horizontal level lines w a 4ft level, and confirm alignment w crosshairs. 🤷‍♂️

I don't have a place to shoot over 200yds locally though, and never had opportunity to shoot more than 300...wish I did. Never had the chance to see real world impact of crosshair level vs canted.
I mounted a scope yesterday. I brought it up and looked through it and said to myself.....That thing is crooked for sure......

So, I got out another precision level set again and proved to myself that it was just me that was crooked all along. lol

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