Caribou Gear

Schnee's Sale


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2017
Pretty good sale right now. The 0g Beartooths are down to $305 (~35% off), with several others marked down a fair bit.

I love mine, and their customer service is fantastic. Thought I’d pass it along in case anyone has been waiting on a sale, or is in the market for ridiculously good boots.
Thanks for sharing this. I've been very happy with my beartooths and am considering a pair of timberlines. Has anyone tested both? The bottom of my feet get pretty burned up after 3 days of hard hunting in the mountains. I attribute this to the fact that I live in Florida and have zero elevation to train in. I also think it could be the stiffness of the boot. I work through it, but have considered a more flexible boot to mitigate.
I have a set of 200g beartooths and I'm on my 4th set of timberlines. I purchased the first set and they have since been replaced under warranty for leaking.

I don't know how waterproof the beartooths are as it's usually pretty cold when I wear them. I would say they are very comparable in stiffness, the beartooth is supposedly stiffer. I imagine the insulation vs non-insulated probably plays a role in how they feel to me as well.

Their customer service is great, but I've started wearing a set of Salewas instead of the timberlines. I would have a hard time spending full price on a set of schnees considering my experience with how long the Timberline remained waterproof.