PEAX Equipment

Scent Blocker Suit Field Test

280, No doubt I stink, but the women I've seen from the bitterroot are much stinkier. You could consider my smell a defense mechanism. It's not Darwin related though -- I have 2 kids, both of which are proud of their sounds and smells.

Let's see a show of hands -- Who has actually bought a scent-lock suit or bottles of stink go-away spray??
I doubt if you will get an honest show of hands on that one.
I wish you would cut and paste that test report over at Bowsite, lots of believers over there.
I have. I also use sprays to try and keep my hair and head area scent to a minimum.(most scent comes from your hair and mouth) Those suits will not lock in the toxins from your ass Kurt, But my thoughts are that (WT from stand thinking) if you can reduce your odor enough to fool the deer into thinking you are out of thier danger zone you have an advantage. From spending a couple decades sitting in a tree watching reaction from deer i noticed that when a deer smells you, it is not always "Game over". They stand there a while sniffing at the air trying to figure out how close you are and where you are. If they feel you are close by they bolt, and if they feel you are out a ways they may proceed with caution after standing there a while. Fooling a deer into thinking you are further away than you really are can help big time and i have done it many times. This is of course a tactic that is useful in areas like farm country and the more populated areas where the deer are used to seeing and smelling humans. I think if you tried to use a suit in an area where the deer rarely, or never smell a human you will not get your moneys worth out of any scent reducing product. (notice i said scent reducing, not elimination)
I use that stuff for stand hunting in WT country and that is it. All other critters you can play the wind but in a thick woods where you only see 50 yards that isnt an option. I shower before i head out to a stand, and usually carry my clothes to keep from sweating up. I wear tall rubber boots to reduce my stanky foot odor as well. I have noticed a big difference between being lazy and going through all the work to keep from smelling like your ass:D
But all that aside, for the type of hunting you do i would sell it, unless you plan on taking up some boring stand hunting....
I'm with schmalts on this. I think of it like us smelling a skunk. If its strong we clear out, if its faint we look around a little but don't panic and leave right away.

That's how I use the scent clothes and spray and imagine the deer reacting that way. We wear rubber boots walking into a bow area here too, that cuts scent on the ground.
have not bought either one,,i figure you stay down wind it doesn`t matter, up wind and you will be busted no matter what

the 280 gets shot Tom at real pure rocky mountain elk, not barn yard animals, i will bet you are working on harvesting a horse to go with that trophy cow you got
280, No doubt I stink, but the women I've seen from the bitterroot are much stinkier. You could consider my smell a defense mechanism. It's not Darwin related though -- I have 2 kids, both of which are proud of their sounds and smells.

Let's see a show of hands -- Who has actually bought a scent-lock suit or bottles of stink go-away spray??

Never a suit but do have spray laying around somewhere........
Have some clothes washing crap that is scent free, not necessarily a scent block- I just don't like to hunt smelling like the Tide Detergent Man nor the way commerical laundry soap tends to fade my cammies ;)

Used the linens and comforter on the bed last night as a good scent blocker- waited to turn one loose just prior to the wifey coming in and pulling back the covers to hop in the sack...she never knew what hit her till her eyes welled up :D :D