Scent Blocker Suit Field Test

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
BEST town on EARTH
A friend has a Scent Blocker SLT outfit with ScentTek "Odor Eliminating Technology". On the tag, 5 patents are proudly listed, along with other "patent(s) pending." He's trying to decide whether to keep it or sell it. It was a gift and still has the tags on it.

I didn't skimp on the rot-gut snacking at the Superbowl party I attended tonight. I had a can of sardines, hot wings, beer, and a combo of other equally nasty food. The result were a friggin ruthless gassy odor that I am well known for.

I decided to put this high tech hunting gear to the test. I put on the pants and made sure they were snug, everything fitting properly and stood next to my friend. I let a big old rot-gut silent puffer go inside this high tech pair of camo hunting pants. I didn't want to risk having a violent ripper shake the seal I made when cinching up the waistband. That would be an unfair test.

Within seconds, both my pal and I knew that the Scent Blocker technology is nothing more than a marketing gimmick. I've always suspected that was the case and have never bought this kind of stuff. But now after a real Superbowl Sunday field test, I'm a total non-believer.

Save your money, that stuff is a crock.
Unfair test. Scent could be leaking out around your head. Try it again with a garbage bag pulled down over your head and duck taped to the suit.
Not sure thats the test I'd have done, but yeah the stuff is a rip off. Thanks for your sacrifices for us.
With the tags still on the suit you might be able to return it. Just let them know the suit didn't live up to your standards and offer to demonstrate at the store if necessary. Might want to wipe the shart remnants out first though.
finally a test one can believe---thank you Greenie--even though I'd never buy one of those it's good to have a true test without bias---chris
I supppose with some minor modifications you could test the cough suppressor using the same method Greeny.
I love watching the outdoor channel where all the professional hunting gurus are squirting down with their scent eliminating sprays and wearing the patented high-tech scent suits. What a frikkin joke. Buy hey, they are getting paid well for it.
Greenie--I agree it's too funny watching them, but dang they get to hunt all over and are paid for it, so it's pretty good gig, but really shoving some green pine needles in your undies will do a much better job!!!....that's what moosie told me---sounds itchy to me.......chris
I think this needs to be in the Survival section. One could eat the carbon impregnated cloth for the increased nutrients and then stuff their clothes with grass for warmth!
hey greeny, have you ever stopped to think that the lack of women in your life may be directly related to the odors coming from your body?
(BHR + Freeze Dried Food) * mutiple days = most vile gas known to this planet. I believe Bryan M. had to actually burn one of his tents after I hunted with him. Is this technology scent block or scent "lock"?
A person with that kind of metabolism going on might need two pair of pants and the scent block underwear.

Have you tried a no fart beans recipe? I have a friend that swears by that. If it worked, they'd be a millionaire, but we never can get it to work.
(BHR + Freeze Dried Food) * mutiple days = most vile gas known to this planet. I believe Bryan M. had to actually burn one of his tents after I hunted with him. Is this technology scent block or scent "lock"?

....try the "NASA diaper' technique. 280 uses em so he won't lose his 'stool' at the bar.

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