
SB 497 - Attack on Stream Access

For any Republican legislators and or staff that lurks here to get the feel for how their proposals are being received, bills like this that harm the interests of the majority of their constituents for the benefit of a few are the only reason why I will vote for a Democrat at election time.

Time and again the party that claims “conservative” as their label advances legislation like this that is fundamentally against conservative principles and neighborly behavior.

Why do you hate the interests of the majority of your constituents so much?

Wow! The vote came down as I was typing. Perhaps some “conservatives”are listening to their constituents.

Does anyone have a list of Yeas and Nays?
Thanks for that. I was shocked to see who voted for this stupid bill. Mostly West Side idiots. That's where most of the river recreation fishing is located. Talk about bite the hand that feeds ya! I was also a bit surprised to see how many bona fide goofballs sit in the state senate. Both of them with last letter M who voted "yes" are in the Twilight Zone. And Regier trying to convince everyone the COVID vaccine had insidious microchips inserted to control Americans. And he actually won an election. 😳 That would be funny if it wasn't scary. You folks in the Flathead, Libby, Polson, Hamilton, you know who to send down the road come election time. Hopefully some of the sharp people who post on here will step up to the plate and run for office next time.
Ben, I am curious just what arguments were put forth to support this bill? I am baffled how anyone could make it look at all beneficial.
I sent an email last night explaining my POV and sent another just now saying I’ll remember the vote come next election….

Problem is I cannot find a party who represents my wishes across a majority of important issues. Damned if do or don’t. Both parties want to take my rights and quality of life away piece by piece. Bring back the Bull Moose Party!
Thanks for that. I was shocked to see who voted for this stupid bill. Mostly West Side idiots. That's where most of the river recreation fishing is located. Talk about bite the hand that feeds ya! I was also a bit surprised to see how many bona fide goofballs sit in the state senate. Both of them with last letter M who voted "yes" are in the Twilight Zone. And Regier trying to convince everyone the COVID vaccine had insidious microchips inserted to control Americans. And he actually won an election. 😳 That would be funny if it wasn't scary. You folks in the Flathead, Libby, Polson, Hamilton, you know who to send down the road come election time. Hopefully some of the sharp people who post on here will step up to the plate and run for office next time.
It's funny because one of my hunting buddies is a PT here in town. He's been down to Helena as an informational witness on a medical bill this session. He said...keep in mind this is a died in the wool conservative A) Gianforte is a bum and B) he's so pissed off that he's thinking about running.
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