Sb 400

Hey Ben on a more serious and somber note, if Guv vetoes budget, leg. goes to special (needs) session, are bills from the (ir)regular session able to be still addressed?? I hope the answer isn't the same "well a bill is never really dead....."
Its hard to keep up with all these.Definitely not for adding 2000 more NR tags.I think you guys found a good number at 17000.i would never be for reducing tag numbers to NR for obvious reasons
Sounds a little crazy to add tags to an area on the decline in animal numbers.If you think my voice would help as a NR then give me some e-mail addresses and I'll send them something
Don't they have better things to take care of in your state besides messing with hunting and fishing regs??
The Gov calls a special session, and the Leg sets the rules for that session.

The only constitutional duty that the Leg has is to pass a budget. I long for the day that we have no more laws to make, other than the budget.

But I'm a liberal, according to some.
Were you asking Brenden if they had whatever the store you were at was out of, at the one he was at?

Senator Brenden and I have a jovial acquaintance. I have not had the opportunity to share a beverage with him however.
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