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Sb 400

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
In a strange move, SB 400 is up today in House Fish, WIldlife and Parks.

It only cleared the Senate yesterday. Generally, bills will get a day or three between transmittal and being assigned a committee hearing. I wonder if anyone is trying to game the system to keep the opponents from showing up on this one?

Get your comments in, the committee meets at three:
In a strange move, SB 400 is up today in House Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

It only cleared the Senate yesterday. Generally, bills will get a day or three between transmittal and being assigned a committee hearing. I wonder if anyone is trying to game the system to keep the opponents from showing up on this one?

Get your comments in, the committee meets at three:

I just did Ben, and sent the Alert down the line to all the Rooters. Hard to get the word out when everyone's at work. We thought we would have at least a night to do that.
Pig %*##$%^&ers:mad:

House Fish & Game Members :

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
Email sent. Took some of the heat out of the first draft and sent a more toned down version, but my ability to tone them down is running out.

At least they know where we stand. I usually leave no doubt about that.
Anybody have an updated email for Bill Harris? Mine keep coming back to me.
Email sent. Took some of the heat out of the first draft and sent a more toned down version, but my ability to tone them down is running out.

At least they know where we stand. I usually leave no doubt about that.

I just wanted to send this:

Hey, you legislators:


  • middlefinger.gif
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That's funny.
Hopefully mine will provoke the same kind of response I got our of our senators.
Anybody have an updated email for Bill Harris? Mine keep coming back to me.

That's the only one I can find anywhere. Since his is an outfitter and supports anything that can put money in his and his buddies pockets, your words will fall on deaf ears. Which is probably why he shutdown his email. :mad:
Ok, that's not right, Lord, I apologize for flipping off our elected representatives, for they know not what they do, and please feed the starving pygmies in New Guinea Amen!
SB 400 has been postponed until next thursday according to sources at the Capitol.

Folks listened.
What is SB400 about?

Increases NR hunters in Wilderness areas of the state by another 2000. We already allow 17000 NR in. The game populations are lowest in these areas. Predators don't get into trouble killing stock there, So there's more of them. Also our game seem to head for the low lying ranch lands as soon as their pressured these days. Leaving Wilderness areas as low impact as possible is better for the Ranchers and Farmers.
What is SB400 about?

Adding 2,000 more non-resident tags, specific to hunters in designated wilderness areas, the areas most impacted by wolves, weather, etc.

We already undersold our tags by 1,200, so the draw rate was 100% for hunters, guided or non-guided, who want to hunt in wilderness areas. I guess we need to undersell by 3,200.

I guess the logic is that rather than sell 1,200 after the deadline, we can sell 3,200. From simple minds come stupid ideas.

Nothing against non-residents. We need them, and they are good folks and help us pay the bills. Just another government program to set aside something for s select group.

This is being pushed by the Montana Outfitter and Guides Association. I wonder why? They want to get around the cap of 17,000 licenses.
This is being pushed by the Montana Outfitter and Guides Association. I wonder why? They want to get around the cap of 17,000 licenses

Which they already did with the 4600 deer combo's and the 2000 landowner sponsored, that are added to the 17,000 number.

I'm thinking "INITIATIVE" cap them suckers at 12000, and increase resident tags by an average of $70 per sportsman.
Email sent. Took some of the heat out of the first draft and sent a more toned down version, but my ability to tone them down is running out.

At least they know where we stand. I usually leave no doubt about that.

"At least they know where I stand"..... My usual lady friend at the legislative answering service at 8am, when I tell her who's calling, asks "You'll be registering your opposition to these bills?" before I even tell her:)... I am really looking forward to going off to work in the morning (where I usually have no access to news, computer, etc) and NOT wondering what crock of legislative news will be waiting for me when I get home. This crap feels as if it has been going on for years. :eek:That's right, it has.... I am liking the idea of offense more and more all the time.
Sometimes, being offensive the only way to get them to listen, unfortunately.

Even when they read these threads.