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SB 397 - Anti-Carnivore bill up tomorrow

That comment from SFW was a laugher. Good thing I was not there, upon hearing that one I would have laughed out loud, so hard, the Sergeant at Arms would have had me dismissed. Might have even rolled on the floor, holding my stomach.

For SFW to make that statement is like Bernie Madoff attesting to his trustworthiness as a custodian of other people's money; like Jane Rivers proclaiming the vanity of face lifts; like Ryan Leaf teaching citizenship classes to grade schoolers; like PETA claiming to be conservationists; like .........
Ahem, it's Joan Rivers... :D I wouldn't want you to look silly by spreading incorrect information. ;)

Word just in from House FWP Committee. After testimony taken on Tuesday and the overwhelming majority being against this bill, the House FWP Committee tabled this bad bill today.

A 17-4 vote to table the bill and take no further action. A complete thumping for SFW. Time to start re-sizing for axxhats over at SFW headquarters.

End of story, end of discussion. The bill was a joke and everyone knew it. It was going to do nothing to help with recovery of elk and deer populations.

Glad to see it die. Glad to see the House FWP Committee taking some very favorable action on some bad bills over the last month. That Committee has done some great work to protect the wildlife and hunting in Montana. Thanks to the Committee members and thanks to the many folks who are up in Helena representing our interests.

It was nice to see a unified opposition of hunters, trappers, houndsmen, and others who know that much work is needed and know that the first step in a solution is not doing further damage to the existing problem. Thanks to the trappers and houndsmen.

I wonder when the SFW crowd is going to pack their carpet bags and head back to Utah. So far this session, they are batting 00.0000000. Yeah, a big zero. If they were in baseball, they would not even be a Class A farm team. What works in Utah did not work in DC, and is not very applicable in other states, including Montana.

I expect to see some rant by their hatchetmen, talking about phony hunters and bragging that SFW has all the answers. The answers they seem to have figured out are how to separate well-intended people and volunteers from their money.

Hopefully people will tune out the drivel from SFW and start focusing on the real solutions that will get elk numbers back to where they could/should be. I hope so.

I know guys on this site who spend way more time hunting bears, cats, and wolves than the SFW folks could ever dream of, and somehow, those same hunters find time to send emails, make phone calls, and go to Helena to support elk and deer management.

SFW in Montana provides a lesson of political ineptitude that should serve as a case study for every Political Science class. As much money as the Utah folks want to pump in here, the retun on that franchise investment has been a complete write off.

Someone had a really good T-shirt about SFW a couple years ago when the SFW crowd was getting daily beat downs on the wolf delisting battles. I wish I could find that photo. It is very appropriate today.

Glad to see this bill die. Another Thank You to all the folks and legislators who worked hard to kill it. Some amazing work being done by a small cadre of dedicated volunteers, in the face of overwhelming odds.
Another good day! It feels great to beat these bad bill back.

On the other hand though, they should not be getting written in the first place. Look at all the time an money wasted on this POS.

We need to keep our eye's focused on the real issues, because we haven't really won anything, we've just kept our loses down.

Every time one of these POS bills make it though, we loose another little piece of our heritage.

I have a dream, that someday all sportsman will get involved in the policies that will determine what direction our sport will take.

I have a dream, that someday all sportsman will vote for people that stand with us, and support the North American Model, and the Public Trust Doctrine.

I have a dream that someday, I'll be able to hunt as much as I use too, and not deal with this legislative crap.

I have to say, that if not for this onslaught we've endured the past 10 years, I would not have met some great people that live all around this big state. :cool:
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no worky for me.:(
Hmmm....I guess you have to be on her friend's list in facebook. Sorry about that.

She got "hundreds" opposed and only "eight or ten" in support. Here is a screen shot of her holding the letters opposing this stupid bill (blue are emails, yellow are phone calls):
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Do you know who voted for it?

Not sure all who voted for it, but Kerry White, Gallatin Valley legislator, local purveyor of communist principles toward property rights, and the leader of Montana chapter of Citizens for Balanced Use (what an oxymoron that is when used with his opinions) was one of the four.

And I see Ben Lamb posted that Gordon Vance, another local legislator decided to vote for it. Make note of those guys and their fringe positions, come November 2014.

Go figure.
Not sure all who voted for it, but Kerry White, Gallatin Valley legislator, local purveyor of communist principles toward property rights, and the leader of Montana chapter of Citizens for Balanced Use (what an oxymoron that is when used with his opinions) was one of the four.

And I see Ben Lamb posted that Gordon Vance, another local legislator decided to vote for it. Make note of those guys and their fringe positions, come November 2014.

Go figure.

Vance is the Majority Floor Leader and voted by proxy. He has not attended one committee hearing all session, which isn't unusual for members of leadership, except Whips.
I'm beginning to understand how screwed up the MT Senate is. This bill wasn't even considered by the House committee. Someone just made a motion to table, and it was summarily executed.

Yesterday at the end of the HB404 executive action Sen. Barrett made the observation that the problems with the MFWP aren't going away until the number of game animals is reduced. Pretty clear motives.
It really is nice to have the kind of turn out we did on 397. MOGA and SFW stood out from the crowd once again in supporting a very self serving bill which would have been very bad for the Montana Resident Hunter.
I am proud to stand with the folks who opposed and who oppose all the horrible legislation put forth by Boulanger, Minard, and SFW. Will the real "sportsmen of Montana" please stand up and give themselves a hand!