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Sawtooth National Forest animals


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2020
Howd’y folks

I’ve been in Idaho for Christmas at my in-laws’ house. Today me and my father-in-law went driving through the southern part of the Sawtooth National Forest (near Twin Falls).

We saw a bunch of animals. Lots of muleys, some eagles, the usual. One thing we saw is puzzling me a little bit, though. Along one of the ridges about a half mile away, I spotted a group of white animals that I think were mountain goats.

What’s confusing to me is this: every goat range map states that they don’t get that far south.

Can anyone who knows the area tell me if they do travel that far south typically?

I’m pretty convinced that they’re what I saw, since they even acted like goats. I’m just curious.
What direction from Twin Falls? There are goat hunts a little north in Units 43 and 50.
Any chance they were bighorn? Had more than one person tell me they saw white goats along the highway and they were always bighorns.
They could be. I just assumed they were goats from the color
I think they were something else. I do not think that if a mountain goat was dropped into the country south of Twin it would last more than a week before a lion getting it....much less several, especially after crossing the big desert.

Goats survive by being in country that offers quick escapes to where predators can't or won't go. The only stuff like that south of Twin is some scattered rimrock in the canyonlands and lions traverse that stuff pretty easily from my experience down there.

But I am curious as to what it was.
I think they were something else. I do not think that if a mountain goat was dropped into the country south of Twin it would last more than a week before a lion getting it....much less several, especially after crossing the big desert.

Goats survive by being in country that offers quick escapes to where predators can't or won't go. The only stuff like that south of Twin is some scattered rimrock in the canyonlands and lions traverse that stuff pretty easily from my experience down there.

But I am curious as to what it was.
I could be wrong, for sure. I’ve seen a lot of different animals from a wide array of ranges, but I’ve never seen anything wild that was that white.

I’ve also never seen a herd of sheep on the side of a mountain hopping around like that, but things could definitely be different in Idaho.

I’m just curious about the whole thing. I’ll go out again before we leave and bring my binos this time.
I could be wrong, for sure. I’ve seen a lot of different animals from a wide array of ranges, but I’ve never seen anything wild that was that white.

I’ve also never seen a herd of sheep on the side of a mountain hopping around like that, but things could definitely be different in Idaho.

I’m just curious about the whole thing. I’ll go out again before we leave and bring my binos this time.
I hope you solve the mystery.
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