Kenetrek Boots

Save the Date, March 21-23, there

List of donations is gathering steam, a couple DVDs from our host here, 5 kegs from Big Sky Brewing and Kimber is donating two mountain ascents.

Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell anyone who loves to hunt and love the Backcountry.

I just picked this up yesterday for the CA Chapter's contribution to the Parade of Tents.

If you are in the Denver area this weekend, you should add the 2014 Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Rendezvous to your schedule. Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is promoting and protecting the type of hunting you often see on our episodes. Due to Mrs. Fin having a birthday this weekend, I will not be in Denver for the BHA rondy.

If the whole weekend is too much, you should at the very least check out the “Backcountry Bash” on Friday night. $20 gets you in the door, a year membership to BHA, and appetizers. Raffles for guns, optics, clothing, tents, and a live band. All for a great cause.

savethedate-campfire-copy (2)_Page_1-001.jpg

Bid early and bid often!
It was posted this morning that we reached the $40k mark of gear and trips that will be raffled/auctioned off.

I will be giving away bourbon for free. Come down, say hi, spend some money, see the awesomeness. There is a killer line-up of seminars on Saturday.
Wish I would've known about this earlier. Im only about an hour away!

Maybe Friday night...I do get off work early...

Is the "backcountry bash" kind of a casual thing?
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Wish I could have made it, but the distance is just too much. Looks like Freezeout and crappy weather here in MT.
I will be there and will be part of the panel discussing drones, smart rifles at one o'clock on Saturday Please introduce yourself, really looking forward to meeting any and all Hunttalkers! Mark H.
Bummed I won't make it, but I've traveled every week since the last in January, and already did one trip this week.
I made a mad scramble to get there today, but it didn't happen.

I still hope to get good news today about new chapters in New York and Pennsylvania.
Dustin, congrats on jumping on board. Sean came up to me as soon as I arrived and let me know the good news.

Overall it was an awesome weekend. It was great to finally shake hands with guys I've chatted with online over the years. Buzz, Cody (NMelktrout) and Mark (stillkickin) in addition to listening to guys like Hal Herring, Jim Posewitz, and Dave Petersen among many others. Beyond that we we able to draw local and national officials including the Fish and Game Commissioner Bob Broscheid, congressman Scott Tipton and Senator Mark Udall.

A year ago I left the Rendezvous in Boise inspired to start a chapter in CA. While it has been a slow go, we have gained members and hopefully ar getting the right members to move forward. Leaving today I am equally inspired by the work we do on the National and local levels. The men and women of BHA are simply some of the best people you will meet. I can't wait for next year, no date as of yet but our Washington Chapter will be hosting on Spokane. I hope more of you can make it, what better way to spend a weekend than working our kids future in the backcountry, drinking beer and bourbon (probably too much), bidding on great auction items and hearing some of the great minds in conservation speak.
How was the crowd reception of Udall? I can't imagine the CO residents cared to see him given his voting record.

The reception for both Tipton and Udall we well received. While both of these individuals are on different sides of the fence they are standing up for public land, roadless and wilderness areas. As a group we support that, we support those that recognize that public land is an economic engine in the west.

Udall got a very big round of applause when he took at jab at Jeff Sessions from Alabama for cratering the Sportsman's Act of 2012.
The reception for both Tipton and Udall we well received. While both of these individuals are on different sides of the fence they are standing up for public land, roadless and wilderness areas. As a group we support that, we support those that recognize that public land is an economic engine in the west.

Udall got a very big round of applause when he took at jab at Jeff Sessions from Alabama for cratering the Sportsman's Act of 2012.

I'm guessing he didn't speak on his voting record on gun control....:rolleyes: Personally I hope he's looking for a new place of employment this year.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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