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Savannah Hunt (very pic heavy)

WOW! Now that is my type of African hunt. A true adventure! Thanks for sharing.

I'd like to see some pics and hear the details of that rifle. It looks like it's been around the block.

Ill have a look and see if there are any pictures of it. Was a standard Weatherby in .375 HnH, had probably taken its share of elephant, buff and eland. Was a rifle i used that stays in Cameroon. Decent trigger and a 1.5-5x20 leupold on it. Worked well and i would gladly use it again either up north or in the forests.

Awesome, I'm extremely jealous.

Did you end up learning French, or did you find a porter/tracker that spoke English?

I should have made more of an effort to tag along, but Cameroon is really tough for Americans.

Didn't learnt french, but i know a little from hunts in other french speaking places so can follow conversations a bit. Two guys spoke a bit of english and that helped. But cameroon has around 248 native dialects, so even between areas communications for the locals is a challenge between each other.
Awesome write-up! Wish it wouldn't have ended. Definitely not your proto-typical "stroll into a resort and shoot animals off the back of a truck". Looked like a true adventure that you can cherish for a lifetime!
I usually skip stories about Africa as I've never been interested - glad I checked this one out. This is a great read with some great pictures and sounds like an amazing time. Thanks for sharing.
Ill have a look and see if there are any pictures of it. Was a standard Weatherby in .375 HnH, had probably taken its share of elephant, buff and eland. Was a rifle i used that stays in Cameroon. Decent trigger and a 1.5-5x20 leupold on it. Worked well and i would gladly use it again either up north or in the forests.
Thanks for that! It looks like it's been put to good use. Again, great trip!
Unbelievable hunt and experience. I always laugh when someone sitting over a foodplot arrows a big deer or someone shoots a bull elk that has been named for 4 seaons and they start yammering about how EPIC of a hunt it was. I would give you the EPIC of the YEAR award for this hunt. I can't even phathom the logistics and time putting this together. How many days did you hunt? Travel?

Congrats again.
Africa is not at the top of my list (I am a cold weather guy :) ) but that was a great story and set of pics. I love to see what gets other hunters excited and where they find the joy in their adventures.
Unbelievable hunt and experience. I always laugh when someone sitting over a foodplot arrows a big deer or someone shoots a bull elk that has been named for 4 seaons and they start yammering about how EPIC of a hunt it was. I would give you the EPIC of the YEAR award for this hunt. I can't even phathom the logistics and time putting this together. How many days did you hunt? Travel?

Congrats again.

Cade, I allocated 16 days all up for this trip, but the travel and logistics of actually getting into the hunting area, plus the delay in Bangkok really ate into my hunting time. I think i actually only ended up with around 8 or 9 days actually hunting, but that is ok, it was all part of the adventure and i knew the first trip was going to be a learning experience with many factors. I was damn glad to touch down in Australia, so glad in fact that when i jumped into the cab i left my passport and wallet in the airport trolley by mistake, and whilst i got them back later that day, my wallet was emptied, a not so nice $600 experience. Managed to make it through 3 countries with no issues crime wise only to screw up big time when i was home!
A+ story and by far the best in the africa section. you must feel so good to work so hard to put this type of hunt [ on your own ] together and have it work out so well those trophy's you got there are icing on the cake..this is a true on your own hunt not like so many in the africe section where somebody goes on and on about all they did and how hard it was when all they did to hunt in africa was put up a truck load of money to do something like dart a rhino.and have a PH lead them around like a little boy lost. sorry to hear about the bum that is now $600 richer
Thanks for taking us along. I believe there are a lot of good stories out there that people don't take the time to share. Thanks again.

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