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Salmon get help. [ Credit Bush]

...was wondering when ol' Ith would pucker his lips...never takes long when his hero is sticking his chest out. :rolleyes:

Reread post #18 don't give a shit about facts....just your facts as you see them. Just "rowing my own boat here"...if you don't like it..tough shit..or as you so brilliantly like to put it.."jimmy crack corn."

Hell quit wasting your ballot..go ahead & vote demo next time...if they put up a viable alternative, so will I.

You've mentioned my home town twice now...why don't you come on down & we'll have a beer & settle the whole country's problems....or at least yours. :D
NHY, I get it now, if someone questions Bush on any of these: "I guess you think Bush is doing a good job on salmon....on Iraq....on the national debt....on selling our ports to UAE....on stripping civil rights via Patriot Act....on catching Bin Laden.....on appointing competent people to FEMA....etc. etc. etc."

Then you have to be a liberal if you dont support stupidity in the whitehouse.

By the way, if you're going to quote me...get it right..."always paddle your own canoe". We aint on the bass boat with Dubya.

If I'm ever near your town, I'll gladly stop by. I'll demonstrate politics-ala-dubya...I'll run up a big flip the bill.

You may get your chance to put your money where your mouth is. You don't seem to like how Bush is handling the salmon issue yet you're too chicken shit to support a viable opposition candidate.

I hear Al Gore is seriously thinking of running for POTUS in 08. He shares your salmon and enviromental concerns and opinions. He's equally shrill as you in reguards to Iraq and the war on terrorism. So how about it? Get behind old Al and get him elected. But until then quit whining all the time about W. You're starting to remind me of a little Al Frankin talking puppet.
Ithaca 37 said:
nhy, Please stop being evasive and defend Dubya. I'm looking forward to it. :D

Ithaca, please stop being a cloying toady, I'm looking fwd. to it. :D
BuzzH said:
NHY, I get it now, if someone questions Bush on any of these: "I guess you think Bush is doing a good job on salmon....on Iraq....on the national debt....on selling our ports to UAE....on stripping civil rights via Patriot Act....on catching Bin Laden.....on appointing competent people to FEMA....etc. etc. etc."

Then you have to be a liberal if you dont support stupidity in the whitehouse.

By the way, if you're going to quote me...get it right..."always paddle your own canoe". We aint on the bass boat with Dubya.

If I'm ever near your town, I'll gladly stop by. I'll demonstrate politics-ala-dubya...I'll run up a big flip the bill.

Come on by Buzz, I'll convert you...picking up the tab will be well worth it.

...oh, & bring Ith.
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