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Sage Hens on their Leks


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
My son and I got up at 5 am today, 4/7, and joined a couple of local FWP guys to view some Sage Hen leks. I didn't realize how many leks were fairly close. We got to the first one just as the sun was coming up.


We could hear the birds before we could see them but as it got light enough we could see the males strutting their stuff.





Not the great pics but you get the idea. Learned alot more about them and also a surprising fact that there is genetic evidence that Sage Hens and Sharptail will interbreed.

Very cool nemont. I have only been out 4 or 5 times this year, but so far the numbers are better than last year.

Some of the feathers I collected last year on leks were some of those showing evidence that there have been some sneaky sharpies out there.hump

Hopefully the weather will be nice next week and I can't visit some more locations in the south country.

thanks for the share....
Cool stuff, Nemont. I haven't been out to look at all this spring, but our peak period is closer to the end of April. Hopefully I'll get out at least once, but the raptors have me pretty busy.
Good fun Nemont. Your sun will always remember that.

I've never witnessed sage hens 1st hand. I have seen a pile of sharpies dancing, fighting, etc....
IMO, watching a lek is one of the coolest things one can do in the spring. I was out counting roosters for UDWR on Friday. One lek had 51 roosters on it! I just happened to stumble on to one lek that hasn't been recorded before. The birds are doing GREAT in NW UT. I just hope I'm able to get one of the two bird permits this fall!! :D
my lek route is down this year. Coyotes are affecting the count big time. I also think there is just less birds in general. Ron
Ron, when do you usually get your max male counts? It will still be another week or so in this part of the country.
Peak male attendance is a few weeks away here as well. IIRC, it occurs after the peak breeding time.

IT- No worries, the Greater Sage Grouse isn't going anywhere near that list! :D Besides, they didn't even list the Gunnison's because of all the work being done in an effort to help them out. There's about 100X more work going on for the GSG.

Ron- I've never heard of coyotes affecting leks. Most of the literature I've read stated that 'yotes had very little affect on sage grouse at any time. I'd like to hear about what you're seeing with them! I'm suprised you're numbers are down. Just south of Oakley in UT the numbers are way up!
Our max lek numbers are the end of April, but the max hen numbers are the last of march first of april.
Pointer, The first lek I went to it was just too dark to see good yet. I was sitting in the truck and all of a sudden birds are in the air! I hurried up to the lek in time to see three coyotes on the lek eating the crap on the ground.
The next lek I went to the birds were very spooky and one male took off. A hawk came out of now where and chased him ofer the hill.
This last week a group of antelope was running a 1/4 mile in front of the truck down the road and busted one lek.
This year has been tough on counting. I think I am going to throw in one extra count and they can do with it what they want. Here are a couple of old pics.

Ron- Thanks for the details. One lek I checked didn't have any birds, but there were two hawks cruising the area. That and it being my first day to find that one had me getting there much later than I should have is probably why I didn't see any birds.
The numbers look great in SW WY from what I've seen. My favorite super secret lek has about 140-150 males on it right now.

Great pics!
My favorite super secret lek has about 140-150 males on it right now.
Does the F&G know about this one? Reason I ask is that the folks in UT are interested in any/all 'new' leks. Glad to hear the birds are doing well there! Guess the pads and pipelines make for good lek habitat! ;)
Does the F&G know about this one? Reason I ask is that the folks in UT are interested in any/all 'new' leks. Glad to hear the birds are doing well there! Guess the pads and pipelines make for good lek habitat! ;)

I don't think the blm or game and snake know about the lek, if they did there would be a road to it ;) ;) ;).

Its by far the biggest lek I've ever seen. I have noticed that there are a lot more predators in the area of a lek during this time of year also. Bobcats coyotes and golden eagles even.
Golden eagles really like picking those males off of leks. I counted 62 males today on one of the leks I'm watching cooperation between UDWR/BLM.

Take some of those wonderful pics you're so good at of this lek. I'd like to see it. I tried to get some pics today, but left the camera in the truck overnight and had a cold/dead camera this morning.
1 pter,

I'll jet out there next weekend sometime and snap a few shots. I'll try to take a zoomed out shot to show how many birds are on this lek. Its really incredible.

Take er easy, im off to go pick up more antlers
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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