Sage Grouse dying from West Nile Virus!!

Here in South Dakota, from what I understand, the mortality stats on birds are conciderably higher this year than the last. They were still compiling data, last conversation I had with a state official a couple days ago. I do know that the increase in human infection has increased dramatically this year, with several acquaintances and my mother inlaw getting infected. Must be because they ranch.

I do know there are 60 plus species of mosquito in SD and the prevalent carrier of the West Nile virus is the Culex species. The disturbing thing is that several of the Culex species can winter over and pass the virus on to the hundreds of thousands of offspring the following year. So in all reality if something isn't done on a big scale in the very near future we will have a major disaster. Why is it that there is a vacine for horses but not humans?
The general pattern of infection for most areas has been for there to be a very light infection rate the first year WNV shows up, followed by very high infection rates the next year. Infection rates taper off the third year as humans and animals build a resistance to the virus and mosquito control is increased. I imagine that unless a species is particularly susceptible, a resistance to the virus will be built up in populations and we'll see deaths continue to taper off beyond the third year.

The main reason there's no vaccine for humans yet is that the FDA requires much more testing for humans. There is a vaccine made from Israeli blood that is entering Phase I clinical trials this year at various locations in the US. Even so, it will be at least three years before it would be widely available. They're using Israeli blood because something like 45% of all Israelis have had WNV at sometime in their lives and have the antibodies to fight it.

Oak- Is that type of drug 'kosher'?
Hey 1-pointer, are you sure that two ranches can keep the grouse from being listed in Utah. I thought for the most part, if the species is listed it would be listed throughout it's range. There are exceptions of course (ie. wolf, bald eagle).

Even though MT has good numbers of sage grouse, mt. plover and black-tailed prairie dogs, they are in tough shape in other parts of their range and therefore could be federally listed.

I would check on it, but I need to get to the field and save the animal world from gas development right now.

By way, just two weeks until WY deer hunt. How is your schedule looking? Send me a PM, so we don't get off topic on this thread.

Oh yeh, I sent you some possible WN problems with grouse in MT, but I sent it to your gov. e-mail. Can you still access that account, or is it out?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-28-2003 09:01: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>
It is my understanding that listing can be a state-by-state basis. I think the pygmy rabbit is listed in either OR or WA, but not here in UT. The one ranch is 230,000ac and the other area, mostly BLM, is even larger. It will be interesting to see what happens. I do know the state of UT has went to a limited number of two bird permits for sagegrouse the last couple of years. Of note, is that one county had it's permits doubled this year. All considered, I think the sagegrouse is doing pretty well here. Many are being proactive to make sure this is possible.

Right now, my schedule looks good for the weekend, but I may have to head home on Sunday. Right now I cannot access the gov account, but hopefully I will be able to in the next week or two.

"Welcome back!!! We have missed you. It got to where all of our fun was with the Whacko Sherrif and Paul. I am not sure who was farther out in left field. But now it looks like you have chased Paul away. "

Elkgunner,thanks for the welcome back LOL
Yeah I though I should stop back in so a few self impressed poster's would have more chances to shine and show there true self's.
I see it worked

Sorry ,it will be short lived,I have some hunting to do and my ATV has been dying to get out and kick up some dust.
Bump to the top. FWIW, it doesn't seem like anyone in this post was excited about the birds dying of West Nile (Re: "What happened to some of Ithaca's Posts?").


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-18-2003 23:08: Message edited by: Colorado Oak ]</font>
Quote from IT:

"This could be what puts them on the Endangered Species list! This info has not been made public by the BLM yet. Insiders have leaked it."


See that funning looking symbol at the end of the first sentence? It's called an exclamation mark. It symbolizes excitement. I rest my case.

Oh, ok. I see this is just a reading comprehension issue. See Paul, that funny little symbol doesn't exclusively express excitement. I'm surprised, especially since you knew the name of that funny little symbol, that you didn't look it up to see what it meant if you weren't sure. Here you go, straight from Webster's mouth:

exclamation point (or mark)- a mark (!) at the end of a sentance in writing or printing to express surprise, strong emotion, determination, etc.

Come on Oak, leave Paul alone while he's trying to come up with a response to the issues that he doesnt understand.

He's taking a beating on a lot of issues and a little cranky...
Ha ha, this is funny. No, no, guys, the comments about SEMANTICS are in the other thread. Please try to keep things together, OK?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-19-2003 12:04: Message edited by: dgibson ]</font>
"It symbolizes excitement. I rest my case."

You're too stupid to understand everything that funny little thing expresses. I rest my case.

Try studying this:

exclamation point
n : a punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation [syn: exclamation

Exclamation \Ex`cla*ma"tion\, n. [L. exclamatio: cf. F.
1. A loud calling or crying out; outcry; loud or emphatic utterance; vehement vociferation; clamor; that which is
cried out, as an expression of feeling; sudden expression of sound or words indicative of emotion, as in surprise,
pain, grief, joy, anger, etc.

Is that clear enough for you? Geez, what an idiot!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-21-2003 22:43: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>