Kenetrek Boots

S&W .357 Identification help


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2022
People's Repulic of California
Going through unused/forgotten guns.
I got this as part of a trade deal around 10 years ago, fired a box of shells through it, put it away and It's been playing musical safes ever since.
I dont see a model number on it anywhere and I'd prefer to not remove the grips if it's not going to help with identification. I have the original wood grips somewhere if that helps. Hopefully there are some S&W guys on here that can help me out.
The S&W Historical Foundation will prepare a letter setting out date of manufacture, shipping destination, etc. for $100 if you are so inclined:
I checked out that S&W page before I started this thread. Line one on the form is " list the model number" and I suppose a letter of authenticity would be kinda cool to have, but not $100 cool.
My reason for wanting to find the model number was so I could do research and find out if it was safe to shoot modern full power .357 mag loads through it on a regular basis.
If you want to know the details on when it was made and all that just pull the grips and get the SN. It’s definitely an earlier model but I don’t know how early. S&W quit pinning and recessing in 1982 (pretty sure it was 1982 but maybe 1981??) either way it was made before then. I don’t think they produced them before 1957??
This is always the way it goes with S&W. It’s sort of a mystery trying to figure out what you have and there’s not as much info out there as you think there would be. Aside from the S&W forum you pretty much have to pay S&W to get info. In my experience.

As far as being safe to shoot, absolutely it can handle full power loads. That’s assuming it’s in good safe condition of course. But the gun itself was designed for it. They’re solid guns.
If it were me I’d shoot it and enjoy it. Most I’ve been around were accurate. It’s not a museum piece or highly collectible so get after it. You’ll be glad you did.
The S&W forum has some really knowledgeable folks .
The gun was most likely manufactured in 1950 and there is no model number. It is simply called " The 357 Magnum" or referred to as a "pre 27"
It will definitely handle a steady diet of full power magnum loads with no issues.
I guess I'll go shoot a few boxes and throw it in the back of the safe for another 10 years. 🤣
The S&W forum has some really knowledgeable folks .
The gun was most likely manufactured in 1950 and there is no model number. It is simply called " The 357 Magnum" or referred to as a "pre 27"
It will definitely handle a steady diet of full power magnum loads with no issues.
I guess I'll go shoot a few boxes and throw it in the back of the safe for another 10 years. 🤣
Right on! I learned something new here. Pretty sweet gun. Thanks for the update.

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