PEAX Equipment

Rule #1

If you can't get any sleep because your sleeping bag isn't keeping you will have a miserable hunt.
One thing my Dad told me 35 years ago, "If you get a shot at a bull, shoot until he is on the ground." The first bull I got was feeding, the first shot, he started trotting, the next shot, he kept trotting, the 3rd shot he dropped. Could have covered all 3 shots with a softball in the center of the ribcage. Then the work began, that was 8am, I was 19 and it took me until noon to get him quartered and hung in the lodgepoles by myself.

The other thing, hunt from daylight to dark. Don't go back to camp for breakfast or lunch or a nap or whatever. I've killed the majority of my elk between 10 and 2, but those are all post-rut bulls, late October/early November. Have fun and good luck.

I get to go to WY for the first time this year as my partners helper/guide/griz guard/packer. We both put in for 64, he got drawn, I didn't. It will ba an experience.