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Roumor has it....

Those pics are awesome, Bud! Way to go!! Congrats!!!
Thats awesome, congrats again, and that sexy body is all mine for the next weeks hunt, wahoooo.....
:D :D :D
I'm trying to think of a Story.... But it is Hard to get it in Words. MAybe If T-bone wants to jump in And Help a Brother out I can Think of something to say.

I do have to Say that it was BY FAR the Hardest hunt I've been on. I have bruises on both Bycepts (Don't ask me how ?!?!) I have a Gash across my Left leg (That was a #%@#%@# Tree) My Finger tip Finger prints are Wore plumb off (From holding onto rocks for Dear life, pulling myself up cliffs, and shimmying across ledges). Both the Bottom of my feet are Bruised. My upper Back (Mostly on the LEft side) is sore and Tender like I was Used as a Punching bag for 5 days Straight. My Lower BAck is Tight. MY Belly is IN knots and I lost 11 Pounds in 5 days. (Although I never Felt hungry). And don't get me started on the Nut RUB's !!!!

All that being said it was a Great hunt. T-bone deserves as Much or more credit for Finding the Sheep, Pushing me to and PAST my natural ability and motivating me to keep going. He was Truely the Right person for me on this Hunt. I truely can't wait till he Draws the tag again. I'll be his Sheep Spotter, Gun packing, Motivation guy !!! It's a mental game as much as Physical. I've seen pictures With Overweight guys with Sheep. I can Truely say that the Unit I picked they Wouldn't be standing over a Sheep. No offence but It's a Fact.

I'll get a Blow by Blow a bit later But here is a Few more Pictures :




Congratulations! Makes me whish I could have been there. Even though I kinda know how brutal it was, there is nothing quite like sheep hunting in that counrty. Next year.
Does this mean we change your nickname to Sheepie??

Congratulations Oscar.. That's a nice looking sheep.

Way to go Moosie!!! That third picture is especially cool and one you should have enlarged to hang beside the mount when it is done. WAAAYYY better then any with your ugly mug in the scene. ;)
Awesome trophy Mooseman. :D You sheep killin basterd you. ;)

On second thought....its definatly not a FULL-CURL and looks like it was shot beside the road in the Wrangells.
cool vids---Moosie--I'm thinkin about backpacking in to 27--did you see any elk or mulies--and can you tell what trails you went in on--if you didn't see anything then I don't want to go there--if you don't want to tell me squat I understand--you can email me if you want- [email protected] --chris
cool vids---Moosie--I'm thinkin about backpacking in to 27--did you see any elk or mulies

IN there for a Elk of deer eh ? Not for 10 Grand buddy !!!

We actually didn't see any elk or deer the way we went in. We were going to drop to the Area they were, but decided to head in a Different direction mid stream.

I will share what I know though.....

HEHEE... for a Elk or deer... HEHEHEhehe. We were in 19+ miles only of which 12 could be accessed with a Horse (Of which we had none :( ).

You going in next year ? We'll talk later on the Phone bud. I have a Few thoughts that might help.
Dammit to hell Moosie! Those pics and vids are awesome!!! Looks like an incredible adventure. I can't wait for the book! ;)


Sure would like to know what the horn on the other side looks like. Any particular reason the ram's head is turned the same way in all the photos? Oh and btw, that photo of just the ram by it's self is magazine quality. Velly nice photos Moosie-man.
i'm going in this year-OCT(not sure exactly when yet) --was supposed to leave tomorrow with my buds and horses, but work has shot me in the foot--so now I'm relegated to doing it solo--I have a choice of going in to 20A where they are going--I'll get the info from them when they come back or go somewhere else--for some reason 27 has peaked my interest--if i go in 27 I'm plannin on stayin clear of the MFork drainage--haven't decided exactly where I'll drive into and pack from there--I'm going until I find what I like--I highly doubt I'd go in more than 10 miles, 'ell I may only make it a few frickin yards from the truck--- one never knows-----chris
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