Rosie gets married

That is my point PC. If Bush's strategy was "let the states handle it" he would not have proposed a Constitutional amendment. Passing a Constitutional amendment effectively takes discretion away from the states.

The flip side is if he does not propose a Constitutional amendment state law banning a same sex union could be found unconstitutional by the Supremes if challenged and then in essence you have a federal law which supports the right of Gays to marry.

Bush is between a rock and hard place and its his own fault. He should have stayed silent on the issue and ignored it. By proposing a constitutional amendment, it seems to me he is conceding that a state or federal law banning same sex marriage would not survive constitutional scrutiny. Bush is playing you lose, you lose, on this one.
E. G.,

The environment is a hot button issue to you. This is a hot button issue to a lot of people. I do not condone violence to gays, nor vandalizeum for any reason. But if your going to inflame people on an emotional issue, don't be surprised if tempers flair. Rosie's in your face about a lot of issues. Problem is, if you get in peoples face often enough, you may end up losing some teeth.

Hey Toonces; it just occurred to me. do you know (or any of you guys for that matter know) whether or not you can get married without a license in any state? Reason I'm asking is : doesn't the requirement to obtain a license indicate a privilege granted by the state rather than a right??
This thread will last forever. Paws and Toonces arguing the constitution. Now Darren wants to bring in seperation of Church and State. Jeez will we ever get any releif??
Paws, NY used to require mandatory Aids testing before issuing a license! Now theres a privilege! ;) :D
Speaking of that? What happens if during the wedding ceremony somebody actually stands up and doesn't agree with the marriage? Does that get logged somewhere for future reference?
If it is your "right" to be married, why would they invite that opinion?
Yeah GLW; I'm kind of thinking that somewhere in a history class while I was dozing off that some ancient history teacher wearing a beehive hairdo said something or the other about marriage permission being reserved by the land lords and granted to serfs on request ahumma...
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Uhhhh Toonces I heard Bush talking about a constitutional amendment. I don't recall hearing him call for one; so if he did that would dismiss my theory and indicate that he has had a brain fart! :eek:

FYI the 14th amendment also states that "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the priveledges or immunities of citizens of the United States" - commonly known as the priviledges and immunities clause.

Whether you characterize marriage as a priviledge or as a right, I think both the PI clause and EPL clause will both come into play.

Whiskers - don't you find this fascinating?
Toonces, in a word NO!! It was interesting reading what some of the other guys thought, but it has now come down to you and Paws arguing constitutional law. Like watching CrossFire in PRINT. YAWN.......Lets go huntng.
OK; so what the hell does that mean? :confused big time: I thought I knew what a privilege was; maybe not! :confused:
PEAX Trekking Poles

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