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Root archery turkey


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
I've been working a group of private land Turkeys. They roost on a piece of property that I no longer have permission to hunt. (Death) So I've set up on the adjoining property that I do have permission on, to try to see if I could entice one over. I was hunting with a good friend of mine, who uses a long bow.

Well it was an epic (for Turkeys) morning. We called in 5 Toms, close. He took the first shot at a huge Tom, and missed. Then, in all of the Chaos that ensued, I drew my bow, when one of the nicer Toms stopped , I drilled him. I love bow hunting for Turkeys. Any animal you can call in, is a hoot.


I'd start hunting turkeys again if I had a back drop like that. Congratulations.
That second picture is a picture of a lifetime! Out in God's country celebrating food for your family and fun for your soul. Should definitely be a picture you put on a wall! BEAUTIFUL area.