Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act Introduced!

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
On Friday, Senator Max Baucus announced that he will introduce the Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act. The Heritage act has been five years in the making, with countless public meetings up and down the Front.

This landscape conservation bill is about as good as it gets. Hunters and Anglers have been at the table since day one making sure that this effort reflects the current uses on the trails, and the needs of wildlife. We recently picked up a couple of key endorsements:

"Big Game needs Big Country. The ability to manage lands for their roadless
characteristics and their wild qualities are part of the core competency of our
company. Grassroots driven proposals like the Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act
help ensure not only the future of elk, deer, bighorns and Rocky Mountain goats, they
help insure the future of our company. Let's finish the job that Hunters started over
100 years ago and protect the Rocky Mountain Front."
- Jonathan Hart, founder of Sitka Gear

And this guy:

Let's get this done.
Thanks go out to Randy, and Ben for all they have done, and will do for this to come together. I know there are many more people out there working for this Act, but these are our own.
Ben, Whats happening in Wyoming with all the gas drilling, is BHA involved with any issues with the gas drilling going on with the habitat in Wyo?
Not sure if BHA is involved or not. Hopefully Ben Long will chime in and let us know.

I've lost track of the O&G issues in WY, but last I heard, 60% of the mule deer herd in the Pinedale Anticline was missing due to loss of critical winter habitat.

Big Game Needs Big Country

You’re going to hear that phrase a lot more over the coming months. It’s a catchy slogan, if I do say so myself. It’s also the god’s honest truth. What it means is simple: Big game critters like Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Mule deer and Rocky Mtn Goats need a lot of room in order to live their lives. They need unbroken habitat, and they need that habitat to be there for generations to come, just as hunters and anglers need robust wildlife populations for future generations.

That’s why we’re supporting the Rocky Mountain Front Heritage and thanking Senator Max Baucus for introducing this landmark legislation today. The Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act is the product of long hours and lots of face to face meetings with folks who weren’t always friendly. The proposal as it sits now is one that respects everyone, and every use on the landscape. No motorized use is lost, and Mtn Bikers have even come on and endorsed this proposal because they see the benefits of the Conservation Management Area in terms of increased opportunity for their sport.
I guess I'm not paying attention,,,, Lamb,,,,Long,,,, close but not the same????seems that they both have the same profile and interests????
it's "Dover" no Lamb or Long, come one guys, get it straight . . . Congratulations to everyone on making this real! If you wana see the place, take a look:

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
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Ben Long/Ben Lamb

I do not believe Ben Lamb really exists. :)Has anyone ever seen him? Sure, someone with that name posts lots of photos of dead elk and deer on Facebook, but that's barely evidence, not proof.
Someone asked about BHA (Backcountry Hunters & Anglers) and the Great State of Wyomin'. Last I checked, BHA had members in the Cowboy State, but no organized chapter. If folks are interested in starting one, please contact our director, Jim Akenson, through
I've always thought that my children, should I ever have any, should be named sacrificial, or legof.

Giles - contact your senators and ask them to help get the Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act passed. That would be the best thing folks could do now!

Also, send Max Baucus a note thanking him for stranding up for elk, mule deer, and hunters and anglers.
Caribou Gear

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