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Road hunters

It is illegal here. It is even illegal to step off the road to shoot at game according to the warden.
False according to the AZ hunting class I took last week.
It just says you have to get off the road and you no rule on how far off the road, just off of it.

Maybe road hunters are just having their #recoveryday after hitting it hard the day before? LMK when you see road hunters with masks on in their rigs. Safety first
Not this nonsense again. Two wrongs don't make a right. Also, you could injure someone or an animal by YOUR unethical behavior.
What about fallen trees on unoccupied closed roads? If a tree falls in the forest does a side by side / razor hear it?
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You got to hand it to the hardo road hunters. It’s a skill. I get seriously car sick riding on bumpy roads on any mode of transportation for more than about an hour. I have tried the whole “let’s drive around and find something” hunt. I get car sick and bored pretty quick. I do think it’s important to drive the “legally open” roads just so you know how to effectively navigate the unit but otherwise I leave the driving around to those that have mastered the “skill”. 😂😂
You got to hand it to the hardo road hunters. It’s a skill. I get seriously car sick riding on bumpy roads on any mode of transportation for more than about an hour. I have tried the whole “let’s drive around and find something” hunt. I get car sick and bored pretty quick. I do think it’s important to drive the “legally open” roads just so you know how to effectively navigate the unit but otherwise I leave the driving around to those that have mastered the “skill”. 😂😂
I'll bet that there are some really good road hunters on this forum-people who know when to be out driving, ect. Anybody want to confess? :D
It is illegal to road hunt in Oregon, but I guess you have to get caught actually shooting from the road to get in trouble. There is a place I used to bow hunt elk and almost every day we would see a pickup slowly going along the forest roads. They had mounted an old bench seat from a pickup on a rack so that when you were sitting in that seat your feet would be on the cab of the pickup. There would be two guys in the seat, bows in hand with arrows knocked. I presume one was left-handed. It didn't seem like you could get much more obvious than that but they never got in trouble as far as I can tell. Then I worked with a guy who bragged about what a good hunting team he and his wife were. She was the skilled driver who could always whip the car around in position to give him the perfect shot out the passenger window. I sold him one of the guns he did that with, so I guess that makes me an accomplice
Depends on what you mean by “road hunt”. I’ve “road hunted” a couple special permit late hunts for mule deer because it’s the best way to get around and see the most ground. I posted a pic in the deer forum of a buck that I killed close to the road cuz that is where the does were and he was chasing. They are were you find them.

I'll bet that there are some really good road hunters on this forum-people who know when to be out driving, ect. Anybody want to confess? :D
Happy to. Took my 6 year old out, cause that’s what it’s all about. Not interested in dragging a 6 year old across a mountain. I’m fine doing 5 miles a day myself, but you’d be outta your mind to try that with a kid.

We spotted something… put the boots to the ground, hiked in about a mile total and got the animal. Smiles all around.
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I like to promote take one make one. I believe many of these folks want to get out and just feel it's OK to do this. Then there are the folks who reason that if someone else is doing it so it's OK for me , right ????? And then there are the folks who just don't care what others think. Same ones who park in handicap zones or right in front of the door. Tooooo lazy to walk. Not the only place they don't have manners.
What I don't think works is, well we have to do something so make more laws.
We all have our own ethical tipping point. And more rules only creates more problems for all the folks just trying to obey the rules n hunt fish trap are the only ones that it will effect. And the jerks will continue on.
For me it's kinda like gun control laws the bad guys will still have their guns
There is an art to road hunting and when combined with some very short walks it can be quite effective in some cases.

Most road hunters are really not that good at it.
All I know is last year on my property i hiked 12 miles one day without seeing an elk only to drive back down my private road to find a herd run across in front of my side x side. Lets just say I road hunted at that moment. Makes packing out easy
I have used roads,I must admit.
Took 2 cows, 2 years in a row after parking at a closed gate and walking over the hill from the hwy,1/4 mi. The cows will leave town after feeding all night and the go right along a fence around private and it's all BLM.
They both dropped next to the road I walked in on.

I will have to resort to drive & stalk with Rio if I get a Gila tag. We know some decent spots to sit saddles too. Or just go collect firewood and have them walk by.
Well unless you’ve been making comments on the travel management plans get used to it. People think they are loosing access to the forest which I loose my mind when people bring that up.
I certainly did
All I know is last year on my property i hiked 12 miles one day without seeing an elk only to drive back down my private road to find a herd run across in front of my side x side. Lets just say I road hunted at that moment. Makes packing out easy
Haha, sounds like our last cow elk hunt in WY. Put in about 13 miles that day in two different spots then close to sunset when scouting the next day's access points saw a herd about half a mile up the hill. Scooted up and my buddy made a great shot before losing shooting light.

Little dicey downhill packout on the thin slippery snow but we weren't complaining. Felt a little guilty at first, but we put in our effort during the trip and was grateful for what presented itself.

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