RMEF and HR 1581... Reversal of Support?

Rat Fink

Aug 17, 2010
Helena, MT
Word is that David Allen issued or will be issuing a press release revoking the RMEF statement of support of HR 1581. Anyone hear about this yet?
RMEF should be commended for doing the right thing, finally. Hopefully they learned from this experience. Many members understand the biology of habitat and deeply love the solitude and challenge of the backcountry. For many of us, that's what elk hunting is all about.
I wish I could say I was optimistic that they've learned from this experience...history of the organization tells me they wont.
I wish I could say I was optimistic that they've learned from this experience...history of the organization tells me they wont.

their attitude on the phone and the wording in the retraction makes me agree. nice that they listened to their members on this issue and did it so efficiently. but i have a feeling some entrenched minds are at the helm. I doubt we will see this RMEF crew out there fighing for wild elk country, just "actively" not endorsing a foolish resolution this one time.
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Great entertainment right there.

The best one I have personally heard of came from Grove, OK. My friend watched a guy with his wife and kids pull over, shoot a deer, load it in the trunk, and throw out their meth pipe before they took off.
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I want no part of this crazy world you people speak of, with no shooting out of the truck and no where to throw you beer cans. I am an American Dammit, it is my god given birth right.
its funny when they try to run, especially the fat guy running to his truck.

3 years ago i helped a friend put a trailcam on a meadow that was getting some assclowns pioneering ATV trails into it. On camera he got a guy with his young kid both in camo driving illegally with a hunting rifle on the ATV in late august (just before archery season) . There wasnt enough to ID them.
Like many others I am just too skeptikal of RMEF right now. They need a major overhaul of mentality to get back my support, starting from the top down. My $.02
Love the shoot-reload-shoot with a muzzleloader. :D

I saw a guy shoot at a decoy in his headlights once with a bow, then climbed in the back of his truck for a better angle with the second shot. :D Watched that one live from about 30 yards away.

Easily in the Top 5 hunting videos I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!! Internet Gold.

Check out the videos posted on YouTube by "MOhunting".
I should post up some of what we get on game cameras for poachers at the family ranch. And people wonder why gates get locked up.
The really sad part is the number of kids in the videos. In the first link, there's a little kid in the back seat who covers his ears and lays down in the seat. I think the shoot...reload...shoot ML clip it's a kid doing the shooting!!
Easily in the Top 5 hunting videos I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!! Internet Gold.

The GW's dress up as hookers down heaya just in case you don't shoot. Good solid create-a-crime LEO work.;)

..they dress up as sheep for mountain state plates.
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