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RIP Cassius

Muhammad Ali was not a coward, and I doubt those claiming otherwise can produce any evidence to the contrary. Ali's refusal to enter the military is not evidence of cowardliness. In fact, it is the very opposite of cowardliness. Ali never hid, or ran, from his "duty." Instead, he showed up at the appointed day and time and, "refused to step forward when his name was called." http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/06/muhammad-ali-vietnam/485717/. Ali made this decision despite knowing the consequences. He was arrested, convicted, lost his boxing license in the U.S., and was not allowed to travel internationally to fight. Essentially, for over three years he sacrificed the prime of his career, perhaps millions of dollars, and the ability to provide for his family via his chosen profession. Yet, he never relented. Why? Because of his deeply held religious beliefs and his status as a black man in America during the 1960s. This is not an example of cowardliness. It is example of courageousness.

Finally, it may be easy, or more comfortable, to believe that Ali's position was based on his Muslim faith alone, but this is not accurate. Ali was very vocal that his refusal to enter the military was based on his beliefs as a black Muslim, more specifically an American black Muslim living in the United States during the 1960s. Lest we forget, black Americans have suffered immeasurably in the United States and during the 1960s black Americans were still fighting for basic civil rights. Ali may have refused to fight a war to prevent the spread of communism in a foreign land, but he actively fought to ensure that American citizens were afforded basic civil rights and full and equal protection under the law.

Ali was courageous, and it is his courage to fight for his beliefs, despite the consequences, that earned my respect and admiration.
He stood with his convictions & beliefs.
I know many that did.
I went and never begrudged his status,then or now.
I do know many chicken hawks that claimed same or went on mission instead,and still have mouths that I would give a left hook to,now and then.
He had no trouble fighting and pounding the beJesus out of opponents in the ring for MONEY, but wouldn't fight for his country. Somebody went in his place. I'll always believe he was a coward, and the muslime conversion was just a means to an end....again, he was a great boxer...so what.
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