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Rinella article.. CUT AND PASTED

All the Rinella article and him showing up on rokslide.com and trashing his brother did, was make me check out Meateater's and his brother's instagram pages. Very clever. Human nature to gawk at the auto accidents, family feuds, etc. It's why Jerry springer is so popular..

To quote Matt Rinella on the Rokslide thread.. "And I don’t know about Randy, but I can tell you Steve would be every bit as annoyed about the hype as I am had he chosen a different career path. If you want to know what Steve would think about hunting social media and hunting tv had he chosen to work in another area, then all you have to do is look at what I think. Up until 12 years ago, Steve and me were hunting partners that held exactly the same views on hunting. The only thing that caused our perspectives to diverge was one of us started to get fame and money from hunting and the other kept on doing it for the traditional reasons."
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General Questions:

1. Social media aside...when does someone have a right to hunt vs. not have a right to hunt? Too crowded vs. it should be only for me? Should it be based on how long you have hunted vs. just starting? Should everyone have to stay in their own state? Be limited to one animal a life time?

I see people post lots of opinions on why hunters shouldn't be allowed to do "X" but somehow it never applies to that person who posted the comment. I don't have the answers, but I question why one person thinks they are exempt over another person because of "X".
I do like that Snyder does not give a rip what anyone else thinks. Also it's annoying that he does not give a rip what anyone else thinks.
His attitude and giant ego is pretty repulsive. He says he doesn't give a rip what anyone else thinks but is uber sensitive reaction says otherwise. Pretty much sealed it for me. I won't be purchasing anything kifaru...ever.
His attitude and giant ego is pretty repulsive. He says he doesn't give a rip what anyone else thinks but is uber sensitive reaction says otherwise. Pretty much sealed it for me. I won't be purchasing anything kifaru...ever.
I bet he is incredibly insecure. His fake "I don't give a F#$%" attitude is totally his version of chest thumping. He definitely cares. I would tend to think Rogan doesn't actually care, but maybe he's just better at faking.
Matt Rinella has always struck me as an oafish thinker, binary in his world views.

Social media is also the devil.


I remember an early meateater podcast where Matt said he had two PhDs. And Steve wouldn't let him finish the joke. I was seriously considering a PhD in my field for several years and being able to tell the joke that I had two PhDs was a major consideration in favor of completing one. Matt is my kind of oafish thinker.
Man, I feel like this response comes from such a place of wildlife privilege that it's hard for me to be respectful.

It took me 5 years to draw a whitetail doe tag, bonus points, and during the 8 day season I saw three deer. None offered a shot. In my entire hunting career I draw 3 doe tags. The success rate for deer is that you might shoot one every few years. "Many freezers?" Gimme a freaking break
Ditto, they giveaway doe tags in our area, I hunt the reg gun (9 day) muzzleloader (10 day), doe only, (4 day) & what they call a Holiday Hunt. Got one doe, during muzzleloader season, was heading out and the car in front of me nailed one.
Called the DNR #, one in the freezer. 😉
After listening to the Meateater podcast, Matt wouldn't like someone like me. Someone who didn't grow up doing nearly as many hunting/fishing/outdoor activities as I do now in large part due to content created by guys like Steve and Randy. Shows like theirs inspired me to go out and get after it, as well as helped be realize WHY I like it so much. He backs himself into a corner because what happens if someone is inspired to hunt based on "influencer" content, but doesn't themselves attempt to emulate that lifestyle and views hunting with the meat/hide/antlers mentality? Does that person deserve to be in the woods less because of what caused them to join this community?
Stealing this.

Is Matt’s problem actually social media? Social media has problems but I’m not sure it’s the root of his.

Almost all of his gripes would go away if Montana would change how it manages deer and elk and hunter pressure.
Agreed. Especially knowing where he hunts elk, or at least used to hunt elk. The 30-40 vehicles at a trailhead that he mentioned on Rokslide is not uncommon at all.
Agreed. Especially knowing where he hunts elk, or at least used to hunt elk. The 30-40 vehicles at a trailhead that he mentioned on Rokslide is not uncommon at all.

I am absolutely baffled by this. I live in one of Montana‘s fastest growing counties. There are 400,000 people within 100 miles of me.

I never even double park at a trail head, and have not run into another hunter in the field for a few years.

Probably because the hunting sucks
I am absolutely baffled by this. I live in one of Montana‘s fastest growing counties. There are 400,000 people within 100 miles of me.

I never even double park at a trail head, and have not run into another hunter in the field for a few years.

Probably because the hunting sucks
I’ve really started to pick where I hunt based on a lack of pressure, even if that also usually means a lack of elk.
I am absolutely baffled by this. I live in one of Montana‘s fastest growing counties. There are 400,000 people within 100 miles of me.

I never even double park at a trail head, and have not run into another hunter in the field for a few years.

Probably because the hunting sucks
The law of diminishing returns is real.
I believe that hunters who grew up hunting years ago have a huge advantage over people who learned to hunt on the computer, when it comes to finding a parking spot at least.