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Rinella article.. CUT AND PASTED

Fair point, no he’s not all bad and it is definitely a complex issue - I realize my cavalier keyboard warrior ending to the comment really added nothing to the conversation. Truth is, I liked and agree with most of the article, but I can’t get past the overall impression I get that it boils down to “don’t screw up my draw odds”.
I hear you and agree on the complaining vibe.
"right to hunt"
I hate that phrase. What if you don't have a single tag next season? Or for the next 10 seasons, because there were so many people who applied? Do you still have the "right to hunt" for the next 10 years?? No. So the direction things are headed with so much more interest in hunting, there will be limited opportunities. You and I, and many other hunters will slowly lose their "right" to hunt in a round about way. So, sure keep supporting the youtubers, and hunting propaganda and "recruitment" efforts and ignore the outcome. I'm not saying to cut off the number of hunters that try it out each year. I'm saying quit selling hunting and yelling it from the rooftops and calling it good for the sport and tradition of hunting.
No offense but this is nonsense. Sure, you might not have a mule deer or elk tag, but there are still quite a few states where you can buy OTC whitetail tags.

Maybe part of the solution is to stop fetishizing mule deer and elk and promote the rest of hunting. Shoot, maybe some of us even take a year off from big game occasionally.
I‘m guessing it’s hard for a lot of us here to put all this in perspective having come to hunting with the right intentions before social media existed. These stupid influencers only have power because people choose to follow their antics. We must mock them and unfollow them until all they are left with is the bots that just about every single one of them has purchased to beef up their follower count. I agree with Matt, especially his remarks about Joe Rogan, that guy should stick to talking about DMT until he actually goes out and kills an elk on his own.
Why all the hate for Joe? I really don’t care if he wants to spend $60k a year to be led around the Tejon by his balls. Is it really any different than Sitka buying three $20k landowner tags in Nevada to film their stuff? I see it as we live in different worlds. That type of hunting just isn’t the same as the type most of us do.
I met Steve Rinella while hunting pigs on Tejon Ranch. He was an arrogant, "too good to mingle with the peons" kind of guy. Joe Rogan was with him, and he was just the opposite. Friendly, hang out and have a beer around the fire with us. He was full of funny stories and enjoyed hearing ours.
Ahhh... he might have just got his nuts split by the ol lady for hunting too much....
My kid and his buddies saw him at a local restaurant with his family and they approached him (I cringed when they told me the story). Steve was super cool/gracious to these teenage boys and even let them get a picture with him.
I think he’s probably a good guy and I enjoy his show. I think his show does a great job of showing real hunting to the masses, and in a positive light. But, I agree with a lot of what his bro says too.
Why all the hate for Joe? I really don’t care if he wants to spend $60k a year to be led around the Tejon by his balls. Is it really any different than Sitka buying three $20k landowner tags in Nevada to film their stuff? I see it as we live in different worlds. That type of hunting just isn’t the same as the type most of us do.

I think the point are his comments about public lands/ public land hunting.
Anyone wonder if part of Matt’s ire might in part be due to living in MT.

I mean there are like 8 threads about it right now… maybe his bros show isn’t what’s hampering his ability to kill an elk.

I'd like to hear Matt's take on the immigration of hunters into montana by those that just want a little slice of hunting heaven for themselves, and how that's cocking up the hunting for those that already live their... see if he goes full hypocrite
Matt was undeniably “cool” to me and my wife when we bumped into him and his dog in the Ketchikan airport last year. I knew who he was because I recognized his dog from his brothers stories and IG. There was no “fan boying” just some people talking about fishing, the outdoors etc. I can’t say I’ve had the same experience with other outdoor personalities
Scandalized? Not sarcasm wondering wgat happened?
I was probably a bit overdramatic on the wording. My girlfriend is from a non-hunting family. I went home for Christmas one year shortly after we started dating, shot a handful of ducks, and posted a picture to Facebook (maybe with a gun in the background? I can't remember exactly). She told me that her family was a bit shocked. They were aware that I hunted, but there is a difference in knowing and seeing the result. This has slowly morphed to the point where her parents were asking for photos of us cleaning and cooking the ducks I got here in Oregon.

I think it was really just the difference between being vaguely aware of something and knowing someone who participates. They've come around, but it made me much more conscious that those photos are interpreted differently by people who don't have a hunting background.
I was probably a bit overdramatic on the wording. My girlfriend is from a non-hunting family. I went home for Christmas one year shortly after we started dating, shot a handful of ducks, and posted a picture to Facebook (maybe with a gun in the background? I can't remember exactly). She told me that her family was a bit shocked. They were aware that I hunted, but there is a difference in knowing and seeing the result. This has slowly morphed to the point where her parents were asking for photos of us cleaning and cooking the ducks I got here in Oregon.

I think it was really just the difference between being vaguely aware of something and knowing someone who participates. They've come around, but it made me much more conscious that those photos are interpreted differently by people who don't have a hunting background.
Guess I just don't understand how hunting or killing of any animals in an ethical matter and eating them can offend anyone whether it's farm raised or wild game. Even if you don't eat it your parents or grandparents did. I guess I'm not cultured enough, then again I don't really get "offended" by what others do as long as they don't push it on me.
No offense but this is nonsense. Sure, you might not have a mule deer or elk tag, but there are still quite a few states where you can buy OTC whitetail tags.

Maybe part of the solution is to stop fetishizing mule deer and elk and promote the rest of hunting. Shoot, maybe some of us even take a year off from big game occasionally.
Where did I say mule deer or elk? I said a tag. But, where I live that’s pretty much all there is to hunt. I don’t hunt other states. So take your whitetail tags. Or take your season off or whatever. But the fetishizing of elk and mule deer……that’s the exact problem that matt is talking about in his article. And we have his bro and other unnamed similar folks to thank for that. So yes, that is part of the solution, shut those fellas down and quit worshipping them

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