Rimfire cans, what do you have?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Since the .22LR isn't really that loud to begin with is there really that much difference between the 250.00 and 600.00 can volume wise by just going by ear over a DB meter? I picked up the last ever last ever gun... a Bergara BXR for whacking coons out of my apple orchard. I have a nice stainless Ruger 10-22 but it lacked the built in picatinny rail for the thermal and threaded barrel for a future can. Looking for what you have to say about the lower cost cans as it isn't a must have item.
I've had a Silencerco Sparrow for about 10 years now. Thousands of rounds through it on pistols and rifles. Works great, no issues. I shoot exclusively subsonic. Occasional first round pop depending on conditions and ammo

Sometimes with suppressors the first round fired has a little extra bark to it compared to the subsequent shots.
That's what I figured. But still much quieter than without a can correct? Last fall most coon encounters were 4-10 shot situations as they are usually in herds
I've got the Banish 22 that rides on a Ruger Am 22LR and it works real good. Also have the rimfire can that was their BOGO can, a lot more compact but not as quiet.
My main round is the standard velocity CCI Target, with the Banish 22 and the bolt gun, the majority of the sound is the 40 grains of lead whacking the tree.
One of these days I’ll pick up a suppressed .22 pistol, but CCI subsonic hollow points are so quiet to begin with out of a rifle that I haven’t really felt like I’m missing out on anything. To clarify this is out of my 24” barreled CZ 457, they’re definitely louder from the 10/22.

I even shot a skunk with them in my yard the other night and not one neighbor batted an eye. He had been trying to take up residence under the shed and I wanted to avoid a stinkier version of the @Irrelevant marmot in the truck saga.
That's what I figured. But still much quieter than without a can correct? Last fall most coon encounters were 4-10 shot situations as they are usually in herds
Yep, still takes the overwhelming majority of the noise away. You only notice it shooting subsonics, with supersonic ammo it blends in with the bang
I've had a Silencerco Sparrow for about 10 years now. Thousands of rounds through it on pistols and rifles. Works great, no issues. I shoot exclusively subsonic. Occasional first round pop depending on conditions and ammo
I have the sparrow as well.
Dead air mask and otter creek titanium. On a rifle they are just silly quiet with standard velocity ammo. The titanium is lighter but more of a pain to put back together.
I haven’t convinced myself to get a 22 suppressor yet but from what I gather, you want a titanium one to allow more options for cleaning the filthy things especially with rim fires because they are dirtier than centerfire.
I haven’t convinced myself to get a 22 suppressor yet but from what I gather, you want a titanium one to allow more options for cleaning the filthy things especially with rim fires because they are dirtier than centerfire.
The breakthrough suppressor cleaner works on anything I believe. It's expensive but can be reused. It works great on the mask internals which i believe are steel? I would never buy a rimfire suppressor you can't take apart.
I usually take my Sparrow apart every few years and chisel the carbon and lead out if it with a flathead screwdriver then put it back together. Seems to do the trick
I've had a Silencerco Sparrow for over 11 years and it is a joy. Super easy to clean in an
ultrasonic and only takes a few minutes. An old toothbrush works well on the baffle.
Then I coat the inside of the split tube cladding with Mobil Synthetic grease (lightly coated)
before reassembly and it's done in a few minutes. Cleaning every 400-500 rounds works
well for me. Probably has about 25,000 rounds through it.
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