
Rifle Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice for 2023

300 wsm should be complete shortly and will work up a couple loads with some 175 barnes lrx or 165/180 accubonds for it. Backup is a 300 wm with 180 accubonds. Montana
How you like that 300PRC? I just about bought a Christensen in it a few weeks ago.
That's exactly what I have, a CA Ridgeline. I like the rifle a lot, and I've had good success finding accurate loads for the PRC. I'm on my third firing of my brass and haven't developed the "click" that you read about online, but if I do, it's a pretty easy fix. I do wish CA gave you more room in the internal mag though. If I seat my bullets for a 0.015" jump (Berger 215) then the OAL is way to long for the internal mag. I also had to bed the stock because I was getting some movement between the action and stock - a little annoying, but not a game changer one way or the other when evaluating the rifle on a whole.

If you're not a handloader, I think more and more companies are offering factory ammo beyond the selection from Hornady. I don't think the cartridge itself will ever match the popularity of the .300WM, but it really doesn't have to. It does what it does, which is allow you to seat heavy for caliber bullets out of the powder column, and it does it well.
This will be my 35th season guiding elk hunts. I will go to the ends of the earth for a customer but wouldn't walk across the street to shoot a bull for myself.
7mm Dakota 180 berger vld> gonna try my best to make sure a couple bulls and cows get killed with this rifle again this year. Sorta goes like bang FLOOOPP
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