Rifle Cleaning Equipment Question


Active member
Feb 21, 2020
I am looking at getting me some new cleaning equipment for my .300 PRC, below is a kit from Dewey rods. And I was wondering if anyone has bought one of these before and if so please let me know your thoughts on not only the cleaning rod but also the bore guide that is included as well.

Also, how often or after how many rounds do you normally clean your barrel?

All info is appreciated! Thank you!

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I have not used this system but will comment on cleaning of rifles in general after use, NOT after getting dirt, sand, moisture introduced or going into LONG TERM storage(ALWAYS clean/lube after those instances). Cleaning after shooting is not something I believe anyone should be concerned with......probably the opposite. I have shot a lot myself but, more importantly, spent a lot of time in my former career with VERY accomplished shooters whose weapons were necessary, life and death tools. The overwhelming majority of those shooters will say that they will only clean when there is a degradation of accuracy, velocity or function and will NOT mess with what is working. They keep track of the general time frame/parameters where those things are likely to surface and pay attention accordingly. Among my rifles there are large deviations as to when these occur. My 2 cents.....
Looks good except I'd go plain steel rod to avoid abrasives becoming embedded in the coating and coating fouling the bore.
The only reason.to clean a barrel down to bare metal is to restore accuracy. So only do so to do so.
I have not used this system but will comment on cleaning of rifles in general after use, NOT after getting dirt, sand, moisture introduced or going into LONG TERM storage(ALWAYS clean/lube after those instances). Cleaning after shooting is not something I believe anyone should be concerned with......probably the opposite. I have shot a lot myself but, more importantly, spent a lot of time in my former career with VERY accomplished shooters whose weapons were necessary, life and death tools. The overwhelming majority of those shooters will say that they will only clean when there is a degradation of accuracy, velocity or function and will NOT mess with what is working. They keep track of the general time frame/parameters where those things are likely to surface and pay attention accordingly. Among my rifles there are large deviations as to when these occur. My 2 cents.....
Understood. Thank you for the info and wisdom! After looking over everything I might just go with some Tipton products (one piece carbon fiber cleaning rod & bore guide) I know that aren't as good probably as the Dewey rods but I believe that it will save me some money across the board and if I ever decide to go up and get a higher priced one then I can. Thank you again for the insight and knowledge.

PS: I was starting to get a little overwhelmed with all the different info and ways of cleaning that some people do (not that there is anything wrong with that, they are just more experienced than me). Thank you for helping put my mind at ease.
I am looking at getting me some new cleaning equipment for my .300 PRC, below is a kit from Dewey rods. And I was wondering if anyone has bought one of these before and if so please let me know your thoughts on not only the cleaning rod but also the bore guide that is included as well.

Also, how often or after how many rounds do you normally clean your barrel?

All info is appreciated! Thank you!

This would work. The only exception is that I no longer use bronze brushes for cleaning the bore. Use the right solvent and nylon is fine. The copper in bronze brushes can give you a false "blue copper" on your follow up patch.

I've tried most of the solvents out there. I am currently using the Montana X-treme stuff. Follow the directions.
This would work. The only exception is that I no longer use bronze brushes for cleaning the bore. Use the right solvent and nylon is fine. The copper in bronze brushes can give you a false "blue copper" on your follow up patch.

I've tried most of the solvents out there. I am currently using the Montana X-treme stuff. Follow the directions.
Understood, I actually just bought some Tipton nylon brushes. Thank you for the info and wisdom!
I am an old bench rest guy. The vast majority of us clean regularly, but not during a match. I don't know anyone that does not use their rod often, except on internet boards.
I used Dewey rods (2) one for brush one for patch. I also have this set up for 2 rods.

I got them when they first came out. Back when I shot BR most had set up like I used and made cleaning little easier.
Not as much any more. I used to clean for the sake of cleaning and always after shooting. I can’t address the OP question as to how many rounds because that’s situationally dependent.
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I do clean at the range, during a match, between strings.
Most of the people I shoot with do. At least Benchrest, i have only been in one F-Class match, and i didn't notice anybody cleaning between strings then.

Something Eric Cortina said once stuck with me.
"I can keep it consistently clean, i can't keep it consistently dirty."
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