Returned to see if my Colorado buck was still tied to a tree

....thank goodness these guys weren't packin a crossbow with lighted nocks. . .this thread would have been a real party!! lol

I have the same problem with tresspassing here. . .people don't care! . . . they normally have a little trouble leaving my area. . .tires are flat on the bottom:). I then call the landowner ( who is the only farm house for a few miles) and let him know he will be getting visitors. . .he says "awesome I love charging $25 for the use of my compressor"!!
Surprised you didn't get a ticket for harassment or stalking. Isn't that how it works in CO? Protect the law breaking ATVers?

CO needs to up the ante on law breakers. Loss of your ATV, rifle, and all gear along with a hefty fine and loss of hunting privileges would be a good start. Its a fair deterrent in AK.

I would definitely follow up to see what happens to the POSs.
So now we're profiling fat people??? I may resemble that remark.... :D

No harm intended;). I'd say the pictures you've posted over the years more than prove you're not scared to work for an animal.

Maybe I'm just a bit jaded. I had two ride up on my brother and I last week when we were trying to get him an elk. They basically told us we shouldn't be hunting where we were because we were young :confused:
I did continue hunting. Once I realized the big guy I found in August may be spooked out of the country and I recovered from the shock of seeing so many hunters in the field, I realized I was going to have to start from scratch and do some serious walking. Opening morning consisted of altering the direction I was heading no less than three times due to running into multiple hunters. Most were Elk hunters. I did get the glimpse of a good buck traveling through the quakies heading for a north slope drop off. Then a little later in the morning, about 2 1/2-miles in I encountered a lone buck feeding on the brink of a north slope drop off in a mix of quakies and conifers. He was close and unaware of me. He was big enough to give me a good surge of excitement. Then after further study trough my binocs, I concluded I should let him go. His frame was large with a great spread 3-4" beyond his ears. However, he lacked good mass and had very weak G2-G3 forks. Being the first day I passed and got out my camera. If I had this same opportunity 3 or 4 days later I surely would have taken him. Here's my best picture of him.
But skinny a$$ed ATVer just doesn't have the same sting;)
You're right it doesn't. Still doesn't make my complex any better. I'm depressed, wonder if I still have some donuts in the truck. You have just put me into the Fat B@stard downward spiral...

This is what happens when you accidentally park in front of gates where a giant d-bag, governor tag deer guide, leech on society, double bankrupt loser (GDBGTDGLSDBL for short) is illegally going around or through gates.

The first time you call the cops, when the cops arrive on the scene the GDBGTDGLSDBL lies and tells them he felt threatened and that you had threatened to beat him up. Then you get ticket for harassment. You follow ticket through court and eventually it gets thrown out. Meanwhile the GDBGTDGLSDBL gets a ticket for “trespass on agricultural lands” which is promptly thrown out because it is the wrong charge and any one past the 4th grade could have figured that out except local law enforcement.

The second time you find the GDBGTDGLSDBL behind a gate your car breaks down in front of gate and so you have to walk miles to get other transportation. When you get home you decide you do not want to talk to GDBGTDGLSDBL so you just go to bed and figure your car will be there in the morning. At 1:00am in the morning the local law enforcement knocks on your door because the GDBGTDGLSDBL tells them of all the trouble you’ve been causing a law abiding citizen such as himself. You then get a ticket for harassment. This time your wife is so freaking pissed at you for having cops come to the house you go to court and pay your fines (best $180 I ever spent). This time the GDBGTDGLSDBL gets a ticket for illegal use of vehicles on federal lands but I do not know if the GDBGTDGLSDBL weaseled out of that one or not.

In a nut shell:D;):eek:
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People will be glad to know I answered the door when the cops my boxer shorts.
Please tell me that the Theme from Cops was playing in the background.

Bad Boys,Bad Boys whatca gonna do............................................
Please tell me that the Theme from Cops was playing in the background.

Bad Boys,Bad Boys whatca gonna do............................................

Maybe............keep watching the show, you never know who will show up.
Classic story Dink!

Sad to hear this crap goes on outside of my spots in Idaho. I used to look for locked gates and old skid roads for hiking/mtn bike access but every locked gate I find has been driven around or the lock shot off. Even the good gates with the lock inside the column get shot not just the chained ones.

My last chat with the F&G was about how they could easily pay for helicopter time or patrol by busting guys on the general rifle hunts. All they have to do is go gate to gate, no way they couldn't make more money than it cost to drive around.
Oh my....... I am surprised though reading the as always hilarious Dink stories. Dead serious when I say this. I seriously did not think there would be any mention of cops/law enforcement being naughty. I figured they'd see the vehicle and nail them. I don't understand how that isn't black and white. There is no gray. Zero. Zip. None. How is there even room for interpretation here? Baffles me..............
DS- That is awesome! I just hope it was a female cop and you thought it was your birthday! Bowchikkabowbow...
DS- That is awesome! I just hope it was a female cop and you thought it was your birthday! Bowchikkabowbow...

Actually, the cop in my house was a guy. I'm sure he wanted me to put on pants because I'm so sexy he most likely was questioning his sexuality while staring at my tight boxer briefs, bulge and sexy legs.

The first cop was a woman, most likely why she bought his story and put the GDBGTDGLSDBL in her pig mobile to keep him safe and warm.

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