Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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Until it does, like I said in the beginning one or two every once is a while is no big deal. But when I hit what’s new and you constantly have a for sale ad in it, sometimes two. One for a knife and one for multiple knives? That’s bullshit and a business, not a flipping hobby anymore.
I have an addictive hobby and move things along from the collection as new knives come in often for a loss. Poor decision making for me 😎

Time to hit the ignore button on the Hall Monitor for me! Also as a courtesy I messaged Randy to hear his thoughts. Since that’s the only person whose opinion has any stock for me.

Other than that, if anyone buys a knife this week I’ll donate part of the $ to RMEF, BHA, or another org of the buyers choosing. 🍻
Wish I could afford just one of those beautiful knives. One day. Until then Im stuck with gerber and buck knives. Keep your day job though, selling 20 knives on here for $3000 doesnt pay a lot of bills anymore.
I'm not sure how it works with Randy and this site. My wife sells items on Etsy for what she claims as profit - though her minimum wage (self established Chinese slave labor wages if you ask me) is not in my wheelhouse to retire any time soon. I also see the frequency of sales merely viewing the "Similar threads" below this post - Haha!

That said and because I happen to be one who digs sharing my own opinion, I found a post I had seen previously that suggests this is as @NDGuy shared.


If / when you turn business - PM your website please. Until then, I'll continue to drool over your skilled hobby abilities.
My only opinion is that he makes quality knives!! I will be buying more in the future!
This makes me think of pham and schmalts, do they pay for advertising? Where do you draw the line? I think small businesses/1 man shows are a little different than Gerber and Mystery Ranch.
I don't think ND guy is pulling any sales away from Gerber. But its really none of my business.

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