Kenetrek Boots

Reminder - Be Careful

Glad it didn't go from bad to worse and he is ok. On a positive note at least the freak accident happened after he got his ram. Congrats to him.
I just got back from the Chugach. A hunter on one of the other hunts was descending a scree chute. He slightly dislodged a boulder and as he got downhill of it a ways it began to tumble. It slammed in the the back knocking him to the ground. Luckily it got him square in the backpack and did not hurt him seriously. It would have been a much different outcome in the head.

It was out of total coincidence caught on cell phone video too.
Wow. Glad he's OK and will live with only a scar.

We all know but sometimes need these reminders that accidents happen. I by no means live the most adventurous outdoor life but like all of you, have had my moments. I have been lucky, more often than not, for two reasons. 1) I try not to be outright stupid or careless. 2) I routinely remind myself with a little self-mantra of avoiding those "low-probability / high severity" scenarios... such as firearm mishaps, free-falls, heavy or falling objects, lightning, cold or fast water, and other similar hazards with no escape route/backup plan and little chance for a good outcome. If my action could result in fatality or severe injury and involve relying on something somewhat out of my control (a slippery handhold, rushing water, loose rock, old or overloaded items under severe tension, etc) I'd choose to find an alternative if I can or if not, double down on my concentration and care. This leaves me of course always with the chance of a true accident, but it helps to consider the "what-ifs" in this way, while not having to be afraid of every little thing. So have fun but be safe everyone!
We've all had close calls, some pay a huge price for an accident. My advice is carry a combat tourniquet, costs little and weight next to nothing and is applied, one handed, in seconds. Most accidents allow time to evaluate, mitigate and transport. Arterial bleeding doesn't...ask the heads on your wall!
This little do-dad may save your life when you only have minutes to live.
Take Care, enjoy nature and don't over cook your game meat.
Wow, what a gash! Glad he is ok, and that he got his Ram! Hopefully the outfitter got it taken care of and off the mountain for him. What a legend to ask them to throw it in the chopper with him!
Holy Crap!!! Glad he's going to be alright!

Thanks for the reminder...and in quite an eye opening way!
Ouch! Good thoughts sent. This is why you should never let your spouse read over your shoulder when on Hunt Talk. I leave for a hunt in the steeper stuff in a few days. Have been in even steeper stuff in AK and CO though I was younger in those days. She is worried about the horses as the WY trip a few years ago involved a horse wreck on the side of a steep ridge that banged up my knee. I keep going for the views and try to be careful while out there.
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