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Remembering when you could eat for cheap

Remember when you could take $1.00 to the store as a kids and get a bag full and candy....2 cent pieces of bubble gum, 5 or 10 cent bubs daddy bubble gum, 10 cent fire sticks..ah, those were the days.....
We have a little bar a few miles away that has all large pizzas for $12 and $2 domestic beers on Monday evenings.
A Wendys single meal today was $11.50
$2 all you could eat tacos with all the sides for Monday night football, plus nickel draft beer. Holiday Inn Elko NV many moons ago
That place is shuddered now. When I was a kid, lived in Spring Creek, and would spend whole weekends with my grandparents in Elko. We would go there and go swimming everytime. It was a good time.

Wife and I stayed there after our wedding on our way to Utah.

Had a friend's wedding reception there maybe 13 years ago.

I know not the theme of the thread, but it is sad to see it like it is after it being kind of a center of that part of town for so long. Go to Elko every week, and it seems to be falling more into disrepair.
I remember in high school you pumped your gas, then paid. It also was possible to pump gas, clear the meter, and start over....if the clerk inside was distracted.
Some kids were devious little bastards.
Gas was cheap in the 80's.
Bakery/Deli I still stop at, some years ago had fresh cake donuts for 55 cents and raised glaze for 85 cents.
Now $1.98 for cake and 3.45 for glazed. The simple pleasures are now a luxury.
Shongo, NY bar Monday nights $8 for a dozen wings and a pitcher of beer. When I was young and had no money this was the best. For 10 dollar bill i could eat, drink, and leave a tip. Good times good times!
Shongo, NY bar Monday nights $8 for a dozen wings and a pitcher of beer. When I was young and had no money this was the best. For 10 dollar bill i could eat, drink, and leave a tip. Good times good times!
There was a bar in Pittsburgh that had free hot wings on Monday, 75 cent IC lights. Dinner cost me $3 plus a tip.
Bakery/Deli I still stop at, some years ago had fresh cake donuts for 55 cents and raised glaze for 85 cents.
Now $1.98 for cake and 3.45 for glazed. The simple pleasures are now a luxury.
$3.45 for a glazed donut!?

They are $1.10 here, $6 for a half dozen. Cake donuts are the same price though.

Just a couple years ago quite a few places had a $1 menu. It’s a “value” menu now.

Fast food has gotten more expensive than sit down restaurants.

Somehow pizza hasn’t really gone up that much out of all the inflation.

The good old days…Portion of my final invoice from DIY Alaska moose hunts in 2019 in Unit 18 for $5,900 base per hunter.

I think the base rate now is around $15,000 per hunter for the same DIY hunt. Almost triple the price in just 6 years?? Wow!

Good luck and happy hunting to all, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.
Warrensburg? Fake i.d.'s were happily accepted with no push back. Friend got bullied into a fight. Got arrested. The bully's jaw was smacked so hard the skull needed a metal plate. Went to trial. Judge in MO could ask questions during criminal trials so the judge did: "Mr. Alias, how many times did you hit Mr. Smith after he swung at you?" My buddy's reply, "Your Honor, before or after he hit the ground?" Even with that response, no conviction. Bartender and bouncer backed my buddy's recap of things.
Nah, not that high class. It was Rolla.
WOW, I must be very old. When I started to drive, gas was 17.9 cents a gal. We had a burger place in high school that had burgers for a quarter and a bag full for two bucks, a taco place on Tuesdays, tacos were .10 cents and A&W had coneys for a dime, no limits. when I got married I was working for a dollar an hour.
WOW, I must be very old. When I started to drive, gas was 17.9 cents a gal. We had a burger place in high school that had burgers for a quarter and a bag full for two bucks, a taco place on Tuesdays, tacos were .10 cents and A&W had coneys for a dime, no limits. when I got married I was working for a dollar an hour.
1975 minimum wage was $1.25... there was 1 In&Out, gas was heading up. Paid more than the vacation in SE Asia.

Dad took us to off brand burgers & the Arches. Off Rt. 66.
Bag of burgers $2....6 kids and head to the drive in for a buck.

You guys ate to many sweets.
I drank too much for 10 years.
It was truly never cheaper, cuz inflation.

That said, i do remember middle school and early high school making away with a monstrous steak burrito and a fountain coke at chipotle for i swear like 6.50. Same meal is pushing 15 bucks these days, and it's anything but monstrous.

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