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Reloading question

std7mag gives good advice. I have ran alot of different bullet powder combinations through my 300 wm. You could burn your barrel out finding what is best. Sticking with one bullet and one powder will at least tell you what that combination will do. I have found very accurate loads with IMR 4350 and 180 gr bullets. You do need to eliminate all the other variables, bedding, scope mounts, scope, how you hold the rifle. Shoot the ladder loads and then work on seating depths to improve the most accurate load. You might find a sweet spot. Usually reloading is not as cheap as just buying ammo, but you can develop "the load" for your rifle. I dont trust consistency of factory ammo. The load the factory uses may not be the sweet spot in that loading for your gun. Two rifles of the same model and production date may not like the same load. It can be a challenge but is rewarding when you succeed. Remember that 2" at 100 is only 6" at 300. How far do you plan to shoot. Some barrels take a little more brake in than others. I have a 2019 sendero and had fits getting it to shoot good. I even went to lapping bullets to see if that would help. After 4-500 rounds down the barrel, it is becoming very accurate with a variety of bullets. Now i dont have to shoot it as much and can slow the round count down considerably. I can now think about other things like, what other rifle can I buy and develop loads for. Biggest problem right now is component availability. Good luck

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