Caribou Gear

Reloading in spare time


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
I keep seeing all these posts and talking to people who say they've been doing a lot of reloading... Can I ship you all my stuff and you do it for me? I still haven't found much free time to get things done like this.
Will work for .358 Norma Mag brass....
My job is considered essential, which means I'm either spreading COVID or about to get it.
Will work for .358 Norma Mag brass....
My job is considered essential, which means I'm either spreading COVID or about to get it.

Same. Every person I see has me thinking either they're giving it to me or I don't know I'm sick and giving it to them.


At least I've got a week off coming up to tinker with building a reloading bench and fly fishing to clear my head.
I keep seeing all these posts and talking to people who say they've been doing a lot of reloading... Can I ship you all my stuff and you do it for me? I still haven't found much free time to get things done like this.

We are one big family here and family helps family when in need. I will be in charge of priming the pockets. Next up?
I’m still working but it just so happens that I’ve finished testing a couple of different loads for a couple different rifles. Now I am just doing normal reloading in bulk that I don’t have to wait for range time to test. Got 300rounds of prairie dog ammo put together in the past two days with my single stage set up. Might do another 100 today.
Still working here too. Who knew that bulldozer blades were essential?
I guess everybody should have at least one?

My reloading as of late has been towards matches.
69gr Sierra MK for the wife's 223 Rem. Shooting 100 yard UBR, Groundhog matches out to 500 yards, and at least 1 F-Class 600 yard match.

My 284 Win is looking at 160gr TMK for a 600 yard F-Open match and a long range steel match (800-1,000 yards).
I've reloaded 200 40 S&W. Some 6.8 SPC's and may start some 223's. I got tired of my old workbench top where I reload, so I cleared if off and put 1/2" plywood over the top. Just finished with 3rd coat of polyurethane finish on it this AM. I have a shelving unit above the bench for manuals, records, powder & misc. stuff. The top shelf has about 30 cans of various powders. Some full and unopened, others almost empty. But, the stuff I use most, I have a lot of! Last year I shot a 300 yd F Class with a Remington 700 Magpul in 6.5 manbun ( :) ) with a 10 - 50x Sightron, so I have a 8 pounder of H4350 for that one.

Have another bench where I store factory ammo. This too need clearing, so I bought some 2x10's and built a unit for the top with 3 shelves. Now, I have factory ammo arranged with pistol stuff on left of one shelf, then rifle ammo according to caliber. Shelf above has bullets for reloading, top shelf has plastic shoe boxes for shoes I bought at Wmart. I store my rifle brass i those. Shelf is full. Now the top of the bench has room and I plan to use it for gun cleaning.

Handgun brass still occupies coffee cans on the cellar floor along with a garbage bag full of mixed 9mm, 40, 45, 357 & 38 brass from a police range during qualifying. As do 12 gauge stuff. Too heavy for shelves....
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