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May 9, 2001
What is a good brand of release.Im a fuggin greenhorn at bow hunting so I need some good help here.I will be picking my bow up this weekend so I will need to get a release and o yes aarows.We need cheapos to start out with I believe so let me hear some good advice PLEASE. :D Thanks guys and gals ;)
I highly recommend a release that has been proven over time. It has a life time guarantee,virtually indestructable,waterproof, easy to carry, inexpensive,little or no maintenance, easy to find and use when needed and each one made is custom made.

You can pick one up today. Just look and at the end of you right arm (or left arm if you are left handed).

:D :D :D :D
Steamer brings up a good point, since you're a greenhorn why not try fingers first?


If you're sure you want to go with a release I'll give you a couple of suggestions.

1. The Winn Archery Free Flight. It fits like a glove. I used one for awhile, however here in MI I like to wear gloves while hunting in some colder weather and I found it difficult to use on other than bare skin.

2. Secondly I like to use my Scott release. It's worked well so far at the range but the real test will come hunting season.

There are many great brands out there to choose from so I'd suggest finding some good brands that are durable and reliable, and then finding an archery shop that will let you shoot a dozen arrows with all of them. Mom and pop type stores seem to be the best at that kind of stuff, and try to get there far before hunting season when they have time to deal with you one on one.

Happy hunting,

Kraven, as you know I got into archery hunting this year and I use the release that DGF was talking about (The glove one). It's really comfortable and it kinda makes it easier to pull because you are closer to the string. But if you do get one be careful because they have a hair trigger. LOL If I were you though I'd try to find a friend who hunts with a bow and try out there release and see if it works good for you. Good luck on finding one.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-10-2002 15:48: Message edited by: trophy_killer ]</font>
I recomend that you try starting out using your finbgers (tab or glove) after you try it for a time. If you don't like it you can try usining a release. If you use a release and forget it back at camp or in the truck your out of luck. I have been archery hunting for 30 years and never forgot to bring my fingers with me.
I use a release and have found it to be durable, the Cobra Pro Caliper/ with velcro wrist strap. It has a curved trigger and is not adjustable for trigger pull, but the trigger is set about right, the one I have is a much older model and does have adjustment. I have also used a Jim Fletcher /fletchhunter, but liked the Cobra a little better. If you are set on using a release try a few on and shoot them if possible to get a feel for the trigger and strap/glove design.
Thanx alot guys for the advice.I used my uncles release today and liked it really well,I cant remember the name but will findout tomorrow possibly.
Scott, mongoose i think is the name, anyway one side is a fixed position with one caliper that opens vs. two that open together its the closest thing to a rope release which is by far the best as far as a trigger type release, now back tension releases are the very best if you can shoot one, but i wouldnt recommend it until you get very very comfortable shooting! good luck !
DKO, a friend lent us some videos on archery shooting :eek: :eek: WOW there is alot to understand to become a really good shooter.
Some I have been working on (thanks to the help of some shooters we know) and some new stuff that makes alot of sense.
The release you are talking about ,it pushes the string to one side so you get the same release each time. I am now understanding the importantance of repeating the (same each time with archery).
I shoot a scott caliper release now and like it, but im still new at this game, Im goin to be upgrading to the one you are talking about.
Steve still shoots with a finger tab,does good with it.
I cant shoot fingers because of the fibromyaliga & now some arthritis,my hands cant take it,so the release is the way to go for me as well as these new compound bows
:D :D
All the candy I can get on my hunting bow LOL
Its only money ;) ;)
I shoot with a Jim Fletcher Fletchhunter that is about 10 years old. Works like a charm and is simple. The other releases mentioned also have great reputations among bowhunters.
Deb, thats the one and thats the exact reason for buying it i really think you will like it alot! ive used them since they came out with it because i really didnt like the back tensin release in a hunting situation! but as you know its all personal preference! good luck this fall and keep kickin butt in those 3d's tournies !!!!
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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