Kenetrek Boots

Region 7 Montana

Don't forget to stop at the Jimtown bar for a drink. They'll welcome you in right proper!

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I really am amazed at how many people I talk to that say they're "going east" to hunt deer. When I tell them what it's like, they have the deer in the headlight look and say, they had no idea. Just recently, I talked to a NR that is heading to the Missouri Breaks and absolutely giddy with excitement.
I have hunted in seven since 1978, This is as bad of a year as I have ever seen, My father is almost 80, last week he commented that this year is as bad as he has ever seen. Plenty of blame to go around, over hunting, two years of drought and EHD top the list. There have been other die offs in the past, the winters of 78 and 96. the droughts of the late 80's. The deer herd has always recovered, that was until the tough year of 2012. The deer on private land made a come back, the deer on the big blocks of public like the Custer never did. Without a change in hunting the Custer is not going to recover.
There is still a chance at a big deer, the chance of finding a ten at the bar in Ashland is likely better though. In the past I used to leave early to be at a great glassing spot at shooting light, Now I often find my self leaving early so I will be the first hunter at an isolated quarter section of BLM boarded by quality private. The Norris state land of eastern Montana and the new normal of quality hunting.
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