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Region 7 Montana

I've spent 4 of the past 5 years hunting mulies somewhere in eastern Montana. I've seen some nice deer but nothing jaw dropping. However, I have seen some truly giant whitetails and was lucky enough to shoot a couple of them.
I've spent 4 of the past 5 years hunting mulies somewhere in eastern Montana. I've seen some nice deer but nothing jaw dropping. However, I have seen some truly giant whitetails and was lucky enough to shoot a couple of them.
Any pics?!?
Love me some big whiteys
Now if you were asking about whitetail I'd say your on the right track. There are some great Whitetails in eastern MT. A buddy of mine went twice with me and still hasn't shot a mulie. He has taken 2 Whitetails in the 140-150 class though. Lol
Now if you were asking about whitetail I'd say your on the right track. There are some great Whitetails in eastern MT. A buddy of mine went twice with me and still hasn't shot a mulie. He has taken 2 Whitetails in the 140-150 class though. Lol

I am not opposed to making my mule deer tag a whitetail tag if need be. Lol.

I’d rather use it on a nice mulie but if ai can’t find what I am looking for...
I would personally hunt some place different than anywhere close to Ashland/Broadus. It gets hammered by hunters. A general tag offers some great hunting in other areas in Region 7,6, 4,5. You will be shocked by the number of hunters and amount of roads. If you have access to private irrigated fields you will find a good buck. Road hunting will provide just as good as chances. Good luck
I would personally hunt some place different than anywhere close to Ashland/Broadus. It gets hammered by hunters. A general tag offers some great hunting in other areas in Region 7,6, 4,5. You will be shocked by the number of hunters and amount of roads. If you have access to private irrigated fields you will find a good buck. Road hunting will provide just as good as chances. Good luck
No lie. You will find them farther back than you expect too. It is amazing how many people I found where I wouldn't expect them.
Here's some light reading for you:
Here's some light reading for you:

Thanks. I have already read them.
Go hunt , don’t overthink this . Have many many backup plans and as long as you have OnX and put boots on the ground I think you guys will get 2 nice bucks . Enjoy the time with your son

Thank you!

I am definitely an over thinker. I have been researching this area for over 2 years.
I went for my 3rd mule deer hunt in eastern Montana in 2019 shot a small fork or the first year and a bigger 15” wide forky the second. Decided to hold out for a bigger on I last fall and ended up shooting a 145” whitetail. He was bigger than any mule deer I had a chance at on public land in 5 days of hunting. I was very happy with this whitetail AD6CB38D-EF46-41DA-9CD8-D78394BFEA90.jpeg