Red Sea Liveaboard Scuba Diving "Semi-Live" (Pic Heavy):

WWII History of the SS Thistlegorm:

"On 6 October 1941, the SS Thistlegorm reached her final destination beneath the surface of the Red Sea. Nearly 80 years later, this iconic shipwreck remains one of the world’s most renowned dives."


As I understand from our briefing, SS Thistlegorm was an armor deck plated 400+' cargo vessel with the intent to route military cargo to Alexandria, Egypt to supply English /allied troops.

As Italy was allied w/ Germany, English military supplied cargo vessels avoided this short route through the Mediterranean preferring to travel around the South African horn, through the Indian Ocean, into the Red Sea, and intended through the Suez canal to reach Alexandria, Egypt.


A mine destroyed a vessel in the canal blocking passage. SS Thistlegorm and it's group of ships held fast at this dive location:


Story is a few German bombers we're unable to find their military target and happen chance flew over the SS Thistlegorm along with its numerous convoy of ships.
SS Thistlegorm happened to be the largest vessel. Armed with an anti aircraft gun on the stern deck (rear). However, the attempt to use turned to be wasted as the rounds were garbage and it became an unprotected large target of opportunity.

And down it sank.



The dives keep topping themselves! I need a word beyond "amazing"! The SS Thistlegorm is truly an unexpected bucket list, Checked!

I really do not know how to describe it to help you understand what, according to our briefing and a few extreme seasoned divers, this wreck is subjectively world renowned as the best wreck for diving.

I'd imagine depth accessibility for such intricate options, the history, cargo, and hull integrity for amazing (that word again) wreck penetration makes this out of this world for experiences!


From history buffs to viewing the wild wreck penetration some 70' below surface scuba through confined single diver space over compact side stacked motorcycles! Some 10-15!

Then a few were stacked a different direction and, using my high powered torch light, I recorded all the motorcycles including the ones resting the other direction that show the entire body!

Triumph? Indian? Norton? No clue. More research - I look forward to sharing videos - anyone that might find such interesting, wait until the video. I'm sitting on the our vessel still in awe of the dive!

Another briefing for a night dive (current time 1830hrs) I'm not diving as my right ear is not releasing pressure as well as I'd like.
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End nears. Incredible vacation!

The last dive has passed with "Indian Ocean Bottlenose dolphins". Some great video others captured - unfortunately, my right ear said I had enough after yesterday's night dive. This close to the flight home I passed on today's dolphin search and successful find. Is what it is.

Wow! Great time!!! We're heading back to Hurghada Port where we'll stay the eve on the boat and the next day @ the Marriott. After, flight to Zurich ---> Home April 3rd. Return to work the 5th. The grind for the late September South African safari hunt.

A year waiting for this adventure - finally complete. Far exceeded any expectation I had.

  • Two crew members assist me to the dive deck from the submersed steps encumbered by scuba gear and tank.
  • Up a few steps to my seat where the tank base sets into its resting spot aided by another member who assists with releasing BCD straps, etc.
  • Another walks over with a tray of clear small cups of juice and hands me one. Cold and instantly refreshing as breathing continuous nitrox tends to leave the mouth/throat a bit dry.
  • I stand up and a crew member unzips the back of my full 3mm suit and as that occurs, another place a warm towel over my shoulders.
Pampered! Diving is fairly exhausting especially when diving four times a day, often three for myself - four is a seasoned and young man's game. I push a day of four and exciting as it was, it worked me!

Our itinerary:


Outside my door 40' deep:



We're off to Zurich next.

Eventually I'll post a few videos. Favorite was the Egyptian National Park for soft coral and colorful fish and the SS Thistlegorm. Wow! Those two trips made this entire dive trip!

Maybe I'll post our Zurich layover trip ..

Until next post!
I should have mentioned our layover in Zurich...
1900 or so we're routing via underground rail to Central hub and walked over to Central Plaza hotel where we booked our hotel.

Took a walk along a well traveled cobblestone-like pedestrian route between restaurants and beer halls. Found a small outdoor seating area and had a 4 kilo t bone steak! Split it and took down a couple beers.

While walking back, a lady continues to look my direction as she walked the opposing direction. She was decked to the 9's and not in a slutty manner. I ignore her and continue as she gets closer, I look again and again, she's viewing directly at me.
I asked. " May I help you?" Friendly manner.
She responds, it's more how I can help the two of you."
My dive buddy/friend is a major bible gent and I could visualize an invisible bible opened and his nose stuffed within! Hahaha!
I was taken back as she continued, "Would you like sex?..."
Hah! I responded, "Certainly appreciate your offer though we're not interested. Thank you though."
Heavily subtle sexy as all heck she responds "ok, enjoy your evening". I respond in kind, "Thank you and to your evening as well".

Haha! No Vegas type, Inflated ass, bubbly lips, just flat out model beauty in full clothing.

Later I looked into it and found out it's legal in Switzerland! To the point of taxed commercial independent business operations that reduce trafficking, etc even to the extent they have "Drive Through" single rooms with showers, etc!
Top that with the most expensive coffee - enjoy coffee while down below is taken care of relieving stress/tension.
Never knew and glad I was traveling with my bible thumping bro. Haha!

Anyhow hope the video above was a good start. Working on the next wreck diving video
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