Caribou Gear

Recurve Shooting

Anyone here shoot traditional bows?? I bought a recurve this summer to shoot around with. If you think you'll like it don't buy one, it is very addicting, but boy is it fun. No sites, just pull'er back, point and let go. I think I could kill one out to ten yards right now. Heck, maybe I'll have yooper's range down by next fall!!!
I have a black widow takedown. Set to 65# at 28”. It’s a donkey but shoots very smooth. It took me years to gain the confidence I have out to 35 yards. Good stuff!
You guys should just stick them in by hand for the pics, way easier. Don't make the groups too good or it won't be believable, there's a happy medium.
Kids these days with their ultra long range stick bows, launching arrows out to 29 yards… SMH… I’m old school if you can fill a jug at 12 yards you’re ready to hunt, just know your limits.

Kids these days with their ultra long range stick bows, launching arrows out to 29 yards… SMH… I’m old school if you can fill a jug at 12 yards you’re ready to hunt, just know your limits.

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Your feathers look so... unique... positively original, with all those art-deco cuts and ruffles. And such a daring mix of palates!
Trying to find the nuts to take my T/D recurve for goats this year... Groups are getting much better but then I grab the compound and triple the distance and shoot groups 1/3 the size... gotta quit doing that, it is very destructive behaviour. But in all likely hood it will be my last chance to get a goat with my recurve. If I take the recurve I think any mature billy will have to be OK, where if I take the compound I'll look for a huge old horse face.
Best to just mentally and fully commit. You’re self challenging yourself, it’s supposed to be harder. That’s the allure
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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