New member
I recently acquired a PSE Impala takedown recurve at a benefit auction for one of the fellows in our bow club who broke his back. I have a bunch of questions I could use your help with. It is a 40# pull, 60" string at 28"draw according to the limb. My normal draw length on my compound is 32", do I need to get a longer string or is this set-up ok? Also the arrows that came with it are aluminum 2216's, with 100grn feild points, they look to be full length shafts, with feathers not vanes. Is this an appropriate arrow for this bow? I have been trying both glove and tab and am equally horrible with both!!! I'm figuring out how high or low I need to hold and the groups are not too bad for a novice, but everything ends up 2 feet to the left?? any suggestions as to why? Any addditional tips or info would be GREATLY appreciated, cause I'm REALLY, REALLY HORRIBLE with this bow right now!!!