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Record sheep auction and a mistress

Agreed! If that would have been me, the would never have received payment based on the fact I would have disappeared and my body would never be found! The arrogance of some people is amazing.

On another side of the argument, I don't understand why there isn't complete transparency for this. It's a public resource being auctioned to the highest bidder, the public should know who and how much...
How many days would you have to hunt that ram before it's daily rate was less than the high end 'escort'?
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The real mystery here is why the author referenced FNAWS, when they formally changed their name to Wild Sheep Foundation in 2008.
I remember her crying while he was bidding on it, at the time I thought it was his wife and she was pissed. Turns out she was probably watching her retirement funds vanish before her eyes.
A little info on this that was missed in the article......This guy was in the middle of his divorce, and trying to spend some money so his wifey wouldn't get so much of it. Didn't work out for him...
I remember her crying while he was bidding on it, at the time I thought it was his wife and she was pissed. Turns out she was probably watching her retirement funds vanish before her eyes.

She was wondering how the H she was going to get through nursing school if sugar daddy blew all the funds.
Well I guess it goes to show that money does not make a person SMART STUPID STUPID STUPID
This year's California tag went for I believe $225,000 in Reno at the WSF show. I sat on my hands!
A little info on this that was missed in the article......This guy was in the middle of his divorce, and trying to spend some money so his wifey wouldn't get so much of it. Didn't work out for him...
You mean it wasn't to put more sheep on the mountain? hahaha

“The fact that a handful of individuals stepped up to put and keep more wild sheep on the mountain for everyone, and one day put more sheep permits into the public draws, is the definition of paying it forward,” says Gray Thornton, president and CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation.

Digging up the past and showing my passive aggressiveness. :D

Actually I never heard that part of the story, so added another twist for me.

Carry on.
You mean it wasn't to put more sheep on the mountain? hahaha

“The fact that a handful of individuals stepped up to put and keep more wild sheep on the mountain for everyone, and one day put more sheep permits into the public draws, is the definition of paying it forward,” says Gray Thornton, president and CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation.

Digging up the past and showing my passive aggressiveness. :D

Actually I never heard that part of the story, so added another twist for me.

Carry on.
You must be bored Miller…
And I thought that one night in red lodge I got black out drunk and bought a box of shots(180 of them to be accurate) at a wedding was a rough night

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