Recently hunted in South Africa. Anyone want a recap?

@LopeHunter Fantastic journaling of your African safari. I was there in 2023, and it definitely gets in your blood. It’s impressive how quickly you dropped your buffalo with a crossbow. Congratulations on your trophies and hunt!
@LopeHunter Fantastic journaling of your African safari. I was there in 2023, and it definitely gets in your blood. It’s impressive how quickly you dropped your buffalo with a crossbow. Congratulations on your trophies and hunt!
The broadhead was impressive. Some skill in use as I targeted the heart/lungs which is a generous zone but those overlapping oval ribs are in the way. The ribs can redirect and significantly slow the bolt at impact.

I looked at the rib cage in the skinning shed and the broached punched though breaking one rib. I have heard from several other crossbow hunters that they needed a rifle to wrap up their crossbow effort after a long tracking job.
Interested for sure. Sounds fun! Did you take the crossbow or did they have one to use?
I used a crossbow the ranch provided and two of their rifles. The weapons were all accurate and properly maintained. I hoped to speed up clearing customs upon landing in Johannesburg so would quickly get settled in at the hotel I was staying at for one night. I ended up sharing the motel’s van shuttle with passengers on my flight which had rifles so in my situation exactly no time was saved leaving my weapons at home.
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