
In my time here, I've observed our hosts to be tolerant of varying viewpoints and to give a lot of latitude for folks to express their opinions. If they feel things need to be reined in, I'm confident the ban hammer will be wielded justly. I love the hunting threads, but I also find this forum to be a really valuable source of information and discussion for a variety of issues important to the hunting community. If it takes some cultivation to maintain that value, I support it.

Sorry for the headaches Big Fin and Mrs. Fin. I recognize it has taken (and continues to take) a lot of work to make this community something that we all want to be a part of.
Just today I received a PM on another forum regarding a thread I was involved in. I was able to use the search tool on HT to find BigFin's previous posts on the subject (including hyperlinks and attached docs) to indisputably articulate/justify/prove my position about a particular conservation group.

This forum has helped to enlighten many and, hopefully, will continue to do so for a long time. Lets keep it clean and informative for a long time coming.

Thanks BigFin. I sometimes wonder why you do it. Hopefully you know how much we appreciate it and are aware of the good it has done.

EDIT: Phew, my post went through. (sigh of relief)
I personally like some of the discussions on here that are constructive. For example when I joined this forum I was a HUGE fan of state land transfer as all the evidence I had seen up to that point where very much in favor of it. From personal observations one could see that state lands are better managed in my opinion. Once I joined this forum it became blatantly obvious that of course they are, the state only keeps property they can make money on so they manage them wonderfully. But if it can't it is sold and is now mostly locked up. Based on this new information, I changed my mind. State transfer is BAD. Yes Randy, you did that. Your videos have a HUGE impact. Presented with this new information I have convinced others of the same thing. Hence Randy's information is having a huge ripple affect. This is what a healthy, polite, informative, fact filled, open minded, non accusatory discussion can do.

There are volumes of information on this forum that are exchanged daily. Based on some of them I have changed my way of thinking on putting in on hunts. With others information I am now applying in other states for hunts I would have never considered before joining this forum. This is the influence of positive discussion and informative posts. But all to often people forget how to be constructive and helpful.

That being said there is no room for closed minded, accusatory, mean, and hence pointless arguments only brought up to boost one's ego. Perhaps a reminder of how to be constructive is needed from time to time. Even I'm not guilty of needing said reminder. We are all human after all and make mistakes. Blocking someone's privileges for a while from time to time would be a good. As well as locking or just deleting discussions that go down the "pointless" direction. At some point you may just have to block someone entirely. As it has been pointed out Randy, this is your page so feel free to do with it as you please. So far I feel you've done a good job at deciding what to do and when. If you choose other judicious administrators to do the same that should be fine and should ease your load. Thank you for your efforts Randy. It is greatly appreciated.
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I didn't realize there was an SOS button. I'd be less likely to press that than I would the red button on my SPOT device. I bet that's been pressed on more than one of my posts. :(
If you start having opinions that are not offensive I'll just assume your password was stolen:p
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I personally feel a decent balance of moderation is used on hunttalk. Sometimes I learn things reading/participating in some of the stupid threads. Sometimes I like to see them stopped.
I'm glad that this forum is being actively moderated. Thanks Randy and Mrs. Newberg for taking the time to do so. I hope over time you'll be able to find other moderators to help you manage.
I frequent the Bowsite and the same problem has existed there. So, folks get banned. They cannot create a new handle because their computer IP address is an identifying factor.

Bowsite also has a "Community Forum". Rules there are looser and its for politics, etc. So, if your skin is thin, stay away from the Community Forum.

Randy, perhaps a forum like that for controversial topics. A forum that doesn't come up under "New Posts" and you have to go there on purpose. But knuckleheads that just are idiots, just ban them. They can go someplace else....
A forum that doesn't come up under "New Posts" and you have to go there on purpose.

In general this would be a nice "quality of life" add. But, to me I have a fairly high tolerance for, "you are a stupid liberal; no, you are a stupid conservative" back and forth. The posts that bug me are the, "you are a complete moron for suggesting that a 300 winmag is too much gun for squirrel hunting -- and no one can disagree with me because I do more for squirrel hunting than any human on the planet, the rest of you are worthless" ones.
I joined this forum because I like the stories of public land hunting a lot. My other haunt is a forum that’s unmoderated and the quality content, while there, has to be sought out & one must ignore riff raff who care nothing for hunting or shooting so I appreciate what Randy does here.

I personally think that those who annoy the mods should be unceremoniously banned. The rules are posted for all to see and I’ve read them they seem clear. If you can’t follow em... bye!
I frequent the Bowsite and the same problem has existed there. So, folks get banned. They cannot create a new handle because their computer IP address is an identifying factor.

Bowsite also has a "Community Forum". Rules there are looser and its for politics, etc. So, if your skin is thin, stay away from the Community Forum.

Randy, perhaps a forum like that for controversial topics. A forum that doesn't come up under "New Posts" and you have to go there on purpose. But knuckleheads that just are idiots, just ban them. They can go someplace else....

The Bowsite community forum is a cesspool at best.
I'd like to apologize to Mrs. Fin from all of us. She not only has to put up with Randy being on the road and taking care of the homestead by herself, but she also has to put up with a bunch of whiners and pot stirrers on here. I'm sure I speak for most everyone here by saying thank you Mrs. Fin. You do a great job.
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To Big and Mrs. Fin, thank you for making sure the buck stops in a reasonable place on this winter range. This forum remains head and shoulders above others in the pack; in part because of articulate disagreement with emphasis on facts, not just antler polishing and headbutting. Some posters may need a guide to help them navigate the terrain here, so a warning shot seems appropriate before rendering a scofflaw DRT. If I were to cross the fence of relevance or civility, I would hope the herd bull bugles me down once before goring me. I belong to this forum because the hunting content here is combined w public land, fair chase and ethics discussions. Without public lands, 90% of us are probably ex-hunters. That is more important to me than filling 10 tags, or 100.

Season's Greetings, HTers. All puns intended.
This is unfortunate that we can't act right. I think a temporary suspention as a cooling off period, as said above, would help. And after that as Cushman said, Bring on Doc Holliday.

We appreciate everything you and Mrs. Fin do for this playform. Sorry it is becoming more frustrating than good. In my few posts I hope I havent stired anything up.

From conversations I have had on other forums, the idea of a cooling off period only rarely works. Usually, if someone is going to be a jagaloon no amount of time is going to fix that. However, if it works only a little of the time, I would think it is worthwhile and in general a solid policy to have in place. I fully appreciate the vast amount of work it takes to run a site like this and wish to thank Big Fin and Mrs. Fin for putting in all that effort.

Also, mostly I just wanted to type jagaloon.
Just spent 15 minutes reading this thread my question is why? I've spent less time here in recent years because of the very thing that Mr. and Mrs Fin are talking about. Too bad it has to be brought up in the first place.
Mr. Fin:

I am on another sports site and they have an option button..... It is an "ignore" button. Hit that button and the posts by that person are hidden (forever) and never show up on your screen. I have a few on "ignore". Sure wish that feature was here.

Relax and have a great holiday.

good luck to all
the dog
Mr. Fin:

I am on another sports site and they have an option button..... It is an "ignore" button. Hit that button and the posts by that person are hidden (forever) and never show up on your screen. I have a few on "ignore". Sure wish that feature was here.

Relax and have a great holiday.

good luck to all
the dog

You can find that feature if you click on someones screen name go to "view profile". :cool:


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