
Really, Wyoming?

Run this topic over to 24 Hour Campfire and watch the comments.

You will see why nothing will change based on a whole bunch of another type of “hunter”.
I’d question whether or not the naysayers are hunters then. Hunters are the reason why wolves are here. That guy lost that title when that wolf wasn’t dispatched, if he ever had it in the first place.
Making more laws has been incredibly successful across the board. 🙄
More laws won't stop things like this from happening unfortunately. People do dumb stuff it's not gonna stop. This is a cruel disgusting kind of dumb in this case. Really sorry for any animals he encountered in his life.
Let's keep it the same, a bull elk run over a couple times, kept alive and paraded around a bar for photos then drug out back and shot.
How about a cow elk off some poor rancher’s property that is just overrun with them

This is the same state where they were talking of aerial gunning elk
How about a cow elk off some poor rancher’s property that is just overrun with them

This is the same state where they were talking of aerial gunning elk
Fyi. This story still makes me want to puke to this day...
I want to say I was one year out of high school. Riding home from a party after having way too much to drink with a couple buddies driving down the road and an unfamiliar truck had a still alive whitetail doe, Being drug by a towstrap by her neck at probably 40 mph. Couple kids around our age in the cab. Deers legs were down to nubbs. We should have t boned the truck at a high rate of speed and beat those $*)Q!#@$ assholes to death. Our buddy driving already had some legal troubles and despite us screaming at him to turn around he wouldn't. It was a pretty busy road and he was sure the cops were already coming (he probably wasn't wrong about that). I have made a lot of mistakes in life some costing me literally hundreds of thousands of dollars or good friends. I regret not going back and beating those assholes to a pulp more than any of those other poor decisions. Definitely top 3. I think about that night literally on a weekly basis sometimes and that was 20 years ago.
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Fyi. This story still makes me want to puke to this day...
I want to say I was one year out of high school. Riding home from a party after having way too much to drink with a couple buddies driving down the road and an unfamiliar truck had a still alive whitetail doe, Being drug by a towstrap by her neck at probably 40 mph. Couple kids around our age in the cab. Deers legs were down to nubbs. We should have t boned the truck at a high rate of speed and beat those $*)Q!#@$ assholes to death. Our buddy driving already had some legal troubles and despite us screaming at him to turn around he wouldn't. It was a pretty busy road and he was sure the cops were already coming (he probably wasn't wrong about that). I have made a lot of mistakes in life some costing me literally hundreds of thousands of dollars or good friends. I regret not going back and beating those assholes to a pulp more than any of those other poor decisions. Definitely top 3. I think about that night literally on a weekly basis sometimes and that was 20 years ago.
And on that, I’m good for the day.
Damn, I go to South Dakota for their Bowhunter's annual meeting, thinking things will be pretty calm this offseason. Logging in this afternoon, I see this thread melting down by the time I land at the airport. I guess I shouldn't make assumptions during the offseason.

As for the multitude of moderation requests I received over this thread, I've looked at them and I won't be moderating anything from @Hilljackoutlaw or @BuzzH. I've cleared those requests.

The "black wolf" comment is stupid and ignorant. I'm gonna let it sit there so people can think about it and ask what value that kind of shit adds to a thread. Expressing stupid comments as to race deserves to be called out.

I'm thankful that not a single person gave positive comment, like, or smiley face to that post. That probably supports the widely held understanding of how ignorant it was in the eyes of most everyone on this forum.

If anyone wants to make future comments on race, whether overtly or covertly, I'll probably let the comment stand for the purpose of examples of ignorance, but the user will likely not have a working account here.

If not for that stupid comment, this thread probably could have stayed on track and we could focus on the damage this fool has done to hunting, to cause of state-based wolf management, and to himself.
Damn, I go to South Dakota for their Bowhunter's annual meeting, thinking things will be pretty calm this offseason. Logging in this afternoon and I see this thread melting down by the time I land at the airport. I guess I shouldn't make assumptions during the offseason.

As for the multitude of moderation requests I received over this thread, I've looked at them and I won't be moderating anything from @Hilljackoutlaw or @BuzzH. I've cleared those requests.

The "black wolf" comment is stupid and ignorant. I'm gonna let is sit there so people can think about it and ask what value that kind of shit adds to a thread. Expressing stupid comments as to race deserves to be called out.

I'm thankful that not a single person gave positive comment, like, or smiley face to that post. That probably supports the widely held understanding of how ignorant it was in the eyes of most everyone on this forum.

If anyone wants to make future comments on race, whether overtly or covertly, I'll probably let the comment stand for the purpose of examples of ignorance, but the user will likely not have a working account here.

If not for that stupid comment, this thread probably could have stayed on track and we could focus on the damage this fool has done to hunting, to cause of state-based wolf management, and to himself.
Thanks for redirecting us back to the topic @ hand, Randy. I posted this thread because I found the action unconscionable, hoped that might be the consensus, and to possibly encourage HT influencers to bring more pressure on WY enforcement and legislature. Because this is not the first time a canid was run to exhaustion by a douchenozzle on a snow machine in WY, in fact that part of it is legal there.
Why is the thread titled "Really Wyoming"?
A few things:

1. I would love to meet that dude in a dark alley somewhere and wipe that smile off his face; #*^@#* that lowlife.

2. I don’t dislike wolves the way some do, but I also have no issue with fair chase hunting of wolves. This was nothing of the sort and I hope things change in WY.

3. This picture is going to be used in sooooo many places as an anti hunting fundraising tool. Doesn’t matter how isolated this instance is, it’s going to come back to us in a bad way. I’m still in disbelief someone would $*)Q!#@$ do this in the first place… but to take pictures of it? SMH
Some years ago in this very same county a local rancher managed to rope a wolf and held it in his horse trailer until a G&F guy showed up. I don't remember what happened after that, except that the rancher was hailed as a hero. I think they even gave him a prize at the Cattlemen's Ball. This is the culture that raised that boy Cody.
I'm truly sorry for the hurtful comment I made. I realize now that it was inappropriate and insensitive, and I deeply regret saying it. My words were thoughtless and I understand that they may have caused harm and offence, which was never my intention. I take full responsibility for my actions and I am sincerely sorry for any pain or discomfort I have caused.

I want to acknowledge the impact of my words and the importance of being more mindful and considerate in my language. I am committed to educating myself and reflecting on my beliefs and attitudes to ensure that I do not make the same mistake again. I understand the gravity of the situation and I am genuinely sorry for the hurt I have caused.

I am open to having a conversation to further express my regret and to listen to how my words have affected some here. I hope to learn from this experience and grow as a person. I am dedicated to becoming more aware of the impact of my words and actions on others and I will strive to be more respectful and inclusive in the future.

Once again, I apologize for my insensitive and hurtful comment. I understand the pain it has caused and I am truly sorry.

I'm truly sorry for the hurtful comment I made. I realize now that it was inappropriate and insensitive, and I deeply regret saying it. My words were thoughtless and I understand that they may have caused harm and offence, which was never my intention. I take full responsibility for my actions and I am sincerely sorry for any pain or discomfort I have caused.

I want to acknowledge the impact of my words and the importance of being more mindful and considerate in my language. I am committed to educating myself and reflecting on my beliefs and attitudes to ensure that I do not make the same mistake again. I understand the gravity of the situation and I am genuinely sorry for the hurt I have caused.

I am open to having a conversation to further express my regret and to listen to how my words have affected some here. I hope to learn from this experience and grow as a person. I am dedicated to becoming more aware of the impact of my words and actions on others and I will strive to be more respectful and inclusive in the future.

Once again, I apologize for my insensitive and hurtful comment. I understand the pain it has caused and I am truly sorry.

Theres few things as unenjoyable as saying you were right buzz... Common dude. Making yourself look ignorant to rattle him should be beneath you - but doubling down with this "chatgpt" apology...?

Just say it was inappropriate and move on. It crossed a line. I get the impression you did it just to rattle buzz (why assasinate your own character to make him look stupid?) but for god sakes put the shovel down. If this is who you really are you probably wont last much longer here.
Thanks for redirecting us back to the topic @ hand, Randy. I posted this thread because I found the action unconscionable, hoped that might be the consensus, and to possibly encourage HT influencers to bring more pressure on WY enforcement and legislature. Because this is not the first time a canid was run to exhaustion by a douchenozzle on a snow machine in WY, in fact that part of it is legal there.
LIved all over wyoming.

Theres a lot of gross shit that happens with coyotes... and i dont think youd get that changed. In western nebraska - people run them with greyhounds and horses until they are exhausted and shoot them. Its all gross to me, personally.

The problem with "cruelty" laws is that itd be really hard to seperate a legit hunting situation from torture depending on who is narrating the story and projecting intent.

The only thing i can think is BHA, RMEF, and others getting in front of PR and saying this guy doesnt represent us and we would ban this.
The best thing that can be done for a species is to make them a game animal. When they’re considered nuisance animals, it can get ugly quick. Some Farmers with whitetail depredation tags, will gut shoot the deer so that they’ll run out of the field and die. That way, the bones won’t get into the combines. Plenty of other examples. Sad situation for an incredible wild animal to get treated like that and for a human to think it was a good idea.
Run this topic over to 24 Hour Campfire and watch the comments.

You will see why nothing will change based on a whole bunch of another type of “hunter”.
Disparaging a forum before the post is even made doesn’t seem helpful. This might disgust more sportsmen than you might imagine.
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