Read this and behave accordingly

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Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Some of you might see my account logged in here most hours of the day and be given the impression I spend tons of time on Hunt Talk. This time of year, it is usually not me. It is often Mrs. Fin monitoring things under my account. I have other jobs and responsibilities that require most all of my time, especially right now. I will cruise threads when Mrs. Fin sends me a notice, or if I need a break from my other adult responsibilities. Usually I try to chime in over morning coffee or in the evening.

Lately, many here cannot keep threads on track. You want to talk about things that have nothing to do with public land hunting and conservation. I don't have time for that. The forum and the purpose of why we keep this going does not benefit from the continual ranting and raving about topics having nothing to do with hunting, access, conservation, or public lands.

Like many small businesses, things in the outdoor media space are pretty ugly right now. This forum is a money loser, always has been and likely always will be. When each day is more phone calls of companies laying off employees and cutting budgets, keeping this money losing part of our platforms around makes less and less sense (cents).

I keep Hunt Talk around because it is a huge benefit to the WHY of our operation - "To promote self-guided public land hunting and create advocates for that cause." To justify keeping this cash drain called Hunt Talk going, the non-financial benefits had better be there. For the last month or two, too much of the discussion is going the wrong direction.

That leaves me two options; 1) close it down, or 2) make changes that get it back to being beneficial.

Since I've already invested over a decade of funding this forum, option #1 is not a consideration. Option #2 is the path I am taking. And it will result in some changes; changes bound to piss off a few people, but changes I will make nonetheless.

To make it easier on some of you, here are a few ideas that might help keep your account active.

1. Add something valuable and useful to the discussion. That is the purpose of this forum. Add value to that. If you can't do that, go to a different part of the WWW. Go for a walk. Go shoot your bow. Go do some hunting research. Being negative, combative, confrontational, is not going to change one single mind on this forum. And it does nothing to benefit the discussion.

2. Start threads that have something to do with public land hunting and conservation. Ancillary threads, those with high propensity for derailment will be deleted as soon as I see them. And the accounts of those who want to continually start such threads will be deleted.

3. Understand what a discussion is. It is sharing of perspectives, information, and stories that help. A discussion is not an effort to make sure everyone agrees with you.

4. Understand that everyone has a different life experience and therefore those experiences create a different lens through which others see the world. There is nothing in the forum rules that say you have to accost anyone with a different perspective on a topic. May I suggest you think about what the other person wrote and try to figure out what life experiences might have brought them to a perspective different from yours.

5. If someone posts a request for advice or input either give them advice or move along to a different thread. There is no rule that says you have to pitch a fit and act like an ass if someone asks for information. Either share something or go find a thread/post to which you can post something helpful.

Pretty easy guidelines to help keep this forum moving along. I've got a stack of tax returns to get to. Thanks for listening and thanks for making positive contributions to the bigger discussions on public lands and conservation.
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I've reopened this thread to make sure folks know the rules and expectations when you sign up here. I'm home for the four days of Thanksgiving and I've spent way to much time responding to moderation request and playground bickering.

Go read Post #1 and act accordingly.
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Been an interesting few days of analyzing Hunt Talk. We've had too many valuable long-time contributors leave in the last six months, especially the last two months. I'm not inclined to let that continue.

I've went through all of the locked threads from the last two years that I've marked "political." I've noted who started the thread and who the greatest contributors were to that locked thread.

I then did an analysis of those who were the greatest contributors/originators on those locked threads to see what percentage of their posts were in locked threads and what percentage of their posts were actually on hunting topics. Wow, the old adage that 2% of the people can mess it up for the rest of us, surely holds true.

We have too many members with years between posts on anything hunting related, yet hundreds of posts on threads that have been locked as they drifted into politics. Time to clean that up.

In the coming days you are going to see many folks gone. No warning. Not worried about their explanations or excuses. I've given way too many warnings, none of which were heeded. They will go to other forums and bitch and moan. Fine, better than them bitching and moaning here.

We have two additional moderators I've hired due to the challenge of keeping this thing on the rails while I'm gone. I've given them sideboards of what is/isn't allowed. It is the same as what has been posted here as expected behavior.

For those who value this place and the benefit it provides, thanks for hanging in there and for contributing in a beneficial manner.
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