RCBS Press


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2014
I have been on the hunt for an RCBS press for the past couple months. I think I want a Rock Chucker but see several other single stage presses out there. For loading one caliber (.270) does the press type matter? Will a Rebel or Partner press from RCBS do everything I need to do?
I have been on the hunt for an RCBS press for the past couple months. I think I want a Rock Chucker but see several other single stage presses out there. For loading one caliber (.270) does the press type matter? Will a Rebel or Partner press from RCBS do everything I need to do?
When I buy a second press, it’ll be a rock chucker. I was looking at one for 30-06, 270, 7 mag and 300 WBY. They will all work from what I seen.
I have 2 presses. One is the Rock Chucker and the other a Hornady progressive. I have thought about a second press a few times for various reasons to have 2 of them set up. If I find a deal on one it will be another Rock Chucker.
Seen lots of used rockchuckers for sale out there.

I really like mine. Its tight and feels like you are actually doing something when you use it. Works great for me. I would save up and get you one of them.
I have always used the RCBS Rockchuckers but my son-in-law recently bought a Lee Classic Cast press and I was truly impressed by the strength and quality of that press.
Bass Pro has a Rock Chucker for $189.00. Was hoping to buy a used press though.
I have a Cabela's card that gives me points when I borrow their money for 30 days. Most of the stuff I get from them now they give me for free. Don't tell Dave Ramsy I use a credit card. LOL!
I started with a rock chucker decades ago. Now have a Lee classic cast and a Lyman turret. The turret is my favorite by far because I have my two most used sets of dies always ready to go. Much more convenient than the Lee hand press I used back in my apartment days.

I've made loads capable of tiny groups with all of them. I bought that Lyman used for cheap. That's what I'd get now if starting over.
I think the Rock Chucker is the old faithful of presses. If I was looking for another press I would take a look at the Forester CO-AX.
You won’t regret the Co-Ax. It’s a great press. I’ve bought a handful of used rockchuckers at this point and always pass on that deal to someone else. My Co-Ax won’t ever leave my bench.
My rock chucker has been a great press i reload anything from 223 to 338 norma mag!
I went from a lee press. To a Rock Chucker 2. Never needed another press. I have loaded 7mm mag , 300 win, 300 wby and 45/70.
In spite of reloading for the past 35+ years…the RockChucker still has a place on my bench.

Sure, my T-7 does the bulk of my work anymore…and my Hornady Pro-jector is still set up for 9mm for bulk loading…

And yet, somehow, every few months the Chucker gets pulled out for that one-off project…

They just plain work.
I have a Rock Chucker, and when I went to forming brass (8mm-.257 STW) got a Redding for no reason. RC would have done it fine.
Started on Dad's old Rock Chucker.
I have since upgraded to a Dillon 550, but I'm back in the market for another single stage.
It will be another Rock Chucker package for sure.