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Rangefinder Recommendations

I have an older Leupold 1200 that has worked great. It doesn’t actually range stuff out to 1200 yards, more like 5-600 on elk, and farther on larger objects, but it works great for my shooting abilities. Pretty clear glass, easy to use. Has worked in all weather conditions, except occasionally in really thick fog or driving blizzards.
Even if I can’t get a range on an animal (like if an antelope is way out there) 95/100 times I can range a rock or hillside or bush nearby and get a close number.
I can only recommend Leica. Its the only RF I have owned. Bought in 2004/5. So long ago I cant remember. Used in hot/ cold/ wet/ dry/ dusty conditions. Bounced around in a atv saddlebag for 15 years. I remove the battery at the end of the season in March and put in a fresh battery every November. Has never failed to range. If it ever fails I will order a Leica CRF 2400 R to replace it.
Leica has the smallest beam divergence in the industry- aka, their laser has a smaller cone than competitors, meaning you won’t inadvertently range that sage bush in front of the buck. They’re also the only brand I’m aware of where their advertised range is the actual ability. Industry standard is 60% of listed range- so a Vortex 1000 will typically only range to 600 yards- even then, it won’t pick up less reflective targets. My Leica 1600 has and will consistently range elk past 1600 yards.

With $300, if that’s a hard ceiling, I’d personally buy an older used Leica, like my 1600, before a brand new Vortex, Leupold, or Sig at the same price point. Otherwise for a little more, you could get a new one and be set for 20 years.

Biggest knock for mine is the lack of ability to mount on a tripod, but that’s a very small complaint for niche scenarios.
I've had my sig for about 4-5 years. Not sure model, but it's the 6x. I find it use it more during archery even for glassing since I'm not hunting things more than 100 yards out, usually. FWIW, I may switch back to my Bushnell Engage 10x50 binos, instead of my new Vortex 15x56 Diamondbacks. The bushnells were more clear when I compared during this past season.
I’ve had several rangefinders over the years and after buying a Leica it’s the only one I want. Works great in all weather conditions every time. Ranges out a lot further than I could shoot or it’s right on when bow hunting up close.
I’ve had a Leupold RX800TBI forever. It‘s still useable for archery and has the archery correction which is nice, but stopped being reliable/wouldn’t range beyond 100 yards. 2 years ago I bought a Leica R2400 on sale and it’s a night and day difference in the glass, red vs. black display and reliability. If something happened to the Leica, it would get replaced with another.
do the newer leicas still have the 1 second delay to spit out the correct range for angles?
I think this is the case, at least with mine it seems to have a pretty healthy delay. Not sure how I feel about it yet for archery hunting. I don’t think I’d mind it for rifle.
I compared the Leica and Vortex in Scheels a few times. The Vortex was definitely faster. The display seemed to be clearer on the Vortex also. I liked the finer reticle lines on the Leica, but the Vortex was seemingly significantly faster so that's what I went with. Warranty is also nice being it's an electronic device... I ended up going with the Vortex Viper.

I wanted to give the Maven RF1 a shot, but it's too big to fit in most rangefinder pouches.
Maven rf1 has ranged 2k reliably for me - even got 3800 once playing with it. Its slower than my sig 2200... the glass is noticeably better on the mavens though. Have not been impressed with the vortex or leupold rangefinders ive used that other people own.

The sigs seem really fast and to "scan" better with quicker shots than other models.
Looking to stick in the $300 range. We'll see.

The end of this season is forcing a lot of equipment upgrades and replacements. Just seems to be about that time for me. Going on 7 seasons with a lot of stuff that are either wearing out, stopped working, or i've lost patience with their mediocrity.

Sell me on a range finder.

Currently looking at the Leupold RX 1600i, Vortex Diamondback HD 2000, and im perusing Leica and Sig as well. I feel between Leupold, Leica, and Sig buying a similar priced one is gonna be great between all three. Curious about the Vortex though.

Do my research for me damnit!
I've heard good things about vortex but I went with sig. I love it. Easy and compact