Rangefinder recommendations?

I love my Leica rangefinder binos, but they're spendy. The Sig rangefinders I have used have been impressive and very responsive. I have a Vortex Razor 4000 that I have been very impressed with. If I'm wanting mainly a rangefinder, I use the Vortex Razor. If I want the all-in-one than I use the Leica's.
I had a Leica range finder and it worked superbly. I sold it at a time when money was tight. My wife recently bought me a Leupold 1200 TBR and it has been excellent also.
I've had a Leupold 1600 for several years and haven't been that impressed. Picked up a Sig 2200 this spring and I think it's better in every way.
I was using a Leupold RX-1600i w/TBR until I left it in the woods somewhere. I replaced it with the RX-2800 w/TBR. Both were and are rugged and accurate. They are optimized for Leupold CDS dial scopes.
I like the 1600 the best.
Bought the Sig Kilo3000bdx binos last year, love it. Just paired it with a Sierra3bdx scope on a 300 win mag, couple of weeks ago. Very pleased.
Leica 1600. I bought two of them because I lost the first one on a mountain in AZ.
Leupold Rx 1600i tbrw. I am very pleased. If memory serves, it also has a mode for bow hunting if you decide you want to get into that.
I am in the market for a rangefinder. It would be used primarily for rifle hunting and practice. I'm not currently in the archery game. I also don't do the long range thing but would like to be able to range out to 800 yards or so. If you have a model you prefer, let me know.

The big question is brand. I always default to Leupold products, yet their 2 year electronics warranty scares me just a little. I don't want to be left high and dry a few years later with this kind of cash outlay. This has me leaning towards Vortex as they have a much more comforting warranty.

My Vortex Ranger 1500 has served me well. Note when selecting the rangefinder the max distance is usually for reflective objects so budget half that as your max to range game. My Ranger 1500, for example, is 1500 yds reflective object and 750 game, although I ranged a muley with it once out to 973.

I don’t shoot beyond 400 yds but I like being able to range much further.
I picked up the Leupold RX-2800 from Schmaltz last year at a good price, and I absolutely love it! No problems getting readings at 2200 yards while only handheld. Honestly, the RX-2800 isn't that much more expensive than the RX-1600. I debated this last year before I made my purchase and it just made sense to spend a little bit more for the extra 1200 yards. I have never regretted getting the 2800 over the 1600. Worth every penny in my opinion!
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