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Range Report


Good shooting. I'd suggest testing the group at longer range to see how consistent it is. Your velocity seems pretty on par for Varget.
Way to go!! I was in awe when I watched my hand load drop the deer in Montana on the YouTube episode. It's an amazing feeling of pride and sense of accomplishment. I can't wait to see your hero shot of an animal you shot with one you loaded!

Thanks, man. I'm planning to keep trying different things, but if nothing else shows up as awesome, I'm going to take that load bear hunting in a month or so. Never killed a bear so goal is to hit 2 mile stones this spring with a new game animal taken and done with my own handloaded ammo.
Just curious to compare it to the Nosler data. 42.0 grains of Varget showed about 2849fps but that is with a 26 inch barrel. And each barrel will probably give different velocity for a given load.

Last night I did some playing around with seating depth. It was kind of an adventure. I'm going try to get out to the range after work to test my latest experiment. Basically, I used a Hornady OAL gauge to find the rifles headspace. I was planning to start my first load right up on the lands, the problem I hit was cartridges, although they would chamber just fine, wouldn't fit in the magazine. What ensued was a lot of trial and error as I seated the bullets a couple thousandths of an inch deeper and tried them again, and again. Eventually I came out with a COL of 2.845 (previous loads in this batch were a standard 2.8). So I put together 5 of those and just to see what happens the other way, 5 rounds with a COL of 2.77. Then I needed to go to bed.

Anyway I'll be checking for signs of pressure.
I almost always start with the bullets loaded to the lands or mag length if that's shorter. That way all adjustments only have one way to go.
I almost always start with the bullets loaded to the lands or mag length if that's shorter. That way all adjustments only have one way to go.

That's what I've learned to do as well. And, like the OP, my magazine won't hold much more than 2.84" which is about a full .1 off the lands.
Well, my first attempt at playing with seating depth wasn't exactly systematic; I wrongly anticipated the longer-seated cartridges would fit in the magazine, and it was late enough at night I was tired. Anyway, as indicated before, I wound up with 5 loaded about .045 longer than the original test batch and 5 at .02 shorter. Using 41.3grns of Varget - the longer ones didn't group that great, although I've shot factory ammo that was worse. The shorter batch grouped pretty good. 4 shots within about an inch (but there's always that annoying outlier). The MV of both groups averaged about 2755fps.

I had also loaded 5 rounds at 2.8 COL with 43grns of Varget. I just wanted to push it a little and see if there were any pressure signs. This group was the surprise. I'm not an expert at looking for the pressure signs, but I do think the primers were coming out a little flattened. Anyway, MV averaged 2866 and I had 4 shots touching each other. So, again, I'm coming away with something else to play with and explore. I didn't figure I'd do better than that load with 41.3grns, but 43 certainly shot well and had higher MV's.

An interesting thing I've noticed with these test loads using Varget and 140grn AB's is that it seems I found an accuracy node approximately every other grain I added as I went through the batch. Between 38 and 39 grains was very accurate, just too slow for my liking; around 41.5grns was accurate; and as I saw yesterday, 43grns was good. I've kept all my targets and if you spread them out on the floor you'd littlerally see the groups start tight, gradually open up, the then close again. It's very interesting.

Why didn't I get into this before?
Sounds like you're having fun Brian. That's what it's all about. I find it very interesting you're getting accuracy every other grain. Definitely something to pay attention to in the future.

Welcome to the addiction!! Hand loading is very addicting and fun! Your results are looking good. The correct term you were measuring was the distance to the lands.
Your results with the powder charge is pretty close to what I've experienced many times. There is always usually a low node and a high node in accuracy. Depending on the powder and your rifle and pressure you may hit the high node or sometimes not. Sounds like you made it just fine.
Planning to do a little range work today after work and before I have to pick up my daughter from basketball practice. Gotta admit, I'm feeling a little distracted. I'm not an addict, though. I can quit any time I want.

Well, I got out there. It was chilly and windy. I feel like I'm fighting the weather every time I get to the range. Anyway, I only had time for a handful of groups. The 41.3 grains of Varget pushing a 140grn Accubond is definitely the way to go for the 7-08HT.

I've had a batch of test loads for my .308 that haven't gotten very far on: also using Varget - starting at 42 grains and working my way up to 46 in .5 grain increments; pushing 165grn Swift Scirocco II's. The first couple of loads I shot in were terrible (this was a couple of weeks ago). I shot three more out of the batch today and at 44 grains I'm starting to see the groups close up a little. I still have 4 loads to go, so I'm hoping to get something good.

Question: back to the 7mm-08: I shot a 5 shot group charged with 43 grains of Varget. They grouped ok, not as good as the other, but I noticed a sticky extraction and the casings have a noticeable bulge about a quarter inch up from the base. This is obviously signs of too much pressure. Is this the beginning of "head-case separation"? These were once fired, re-sized casings. I'm inclined to throw them away at this point, but should I do that? Are they safe to use again? My guess is they're not, but I really don't know.
Post a picture of the brass. 43gr isn't that high of a charge. Many factory chambers are cut very sloppy. It could be any number of issues but if you have plenty of brass I'd say start with some new brass and see what happens.
Post a picture of the brass. 43gr isn't that high of a charge. Many factory chambers are cut very sloppy. It could be any number of issues but if you have plenty of brass I'd say start with some new brass and see what happens.

Yeah a picture would help. You can also get a small ring about 1/8-1/4" above the case head from multiple resizings. I believe it is about where your dies stop working on the brass.
A couple of years ago I explored the same Varget/140 AB/BT combo's you are now. After some very helpful input from the guys on the Nosler forum I found out that the 43.5gr load that shot wonderfully was actually over max, according to a Quick Load diagnostic. (22" barrel)

I dropped back to 42.5gr. That is right at the max safe level out of my rifle. 3/4-7/8 inch repeatable groups @ 2762fps. So I've stayed there. The range is a good drive from home, so I've not played with seating depth beyond the original 2.8".

I'd think that with your 24" barrel, you might be able to get a bit more velocity, but I'd seriously not sweat the difference.
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